
Wednesday 21 June 2023

A Big Week

Just three weeks back from our big trip away and we are away again. A bit closer to home this time, in Queenstown again for a big week of celebrations - the social engagements I mentioned in my last post.

We flew down to Queenstown on Saturday where we stayed for two nights before moving to the Gibbston Valley Lodge (where we spent some time last winter) for three nights. After arrival in the bright winter sun we headed across the Crown Range to Wanaka, where an inversion layer made for a gloomy view across the lake with the temperature hovering between 3 and 4 degrees C.

Some shopping, lunch and a bit of foraging for basing stones on the lake shore followed before we headed back to Queenstown to check into the hotel. A dinner with a view of the sun setting on the Remarkables closed out the day.

We were woken at 3:38 on Sunday by the short sharp jolt and rattle of a weak earthquake centred some 100km north of us - nothing serious at 4.2 on the scale, but quite shallow. While we live in the "Shakey Isles" it's the first time I have experienced a quake.

A walk in the cold fresh air (at -3C) in the Queenstown Gardens started Sunday that turned out to be a lazy one just wandering around the town.

The Lakeshore on Sunday evening

Monday was our 25th Wedding Anniversary. We started again with a walk though the gardens before leaving Queenstown and heading to Cromwell for lunch. After lunch we headed to Gibbston Valley, via a couple of vineyards, where we were to spend three nights at the Gibbston Valley Lodge. It is quite different to when we were here last year, when it was much colder after a heavy snowfall. This year is much milder with some light frost. While there are a reasonable number of people at the lodge, we were the only diners that night, with a custom designed menu. That personal service made for a unique anniversary dinner.

Pre-dinner drinks in the Lodge lounge - the view from my seat.

Tuesday was  busy day with a visit to Arrowtown for lunch, some shopping in Queenstown, an afternoon of reading in our villa and dinner in Queenstown (only a 25 minute drive from the lodge).

Today is my 65th Birthday. I am now officially a pensioner although I will not be retiring just yet...20 September next year is that target...a mere 457 days away. We have woken to a foggy start but we have nothing specific planned other than lunch in Cromwell again, a wine tasting at the lodge followed by dinner. 

We will be heading home tomorrow and back to work on Monday.


  1. Happy Birthday, Mark! Wonderful scenery especially for winter. I am typically buried in snow on my Winter Solstice.

    1. Thank you Jonathan. The snow is late this year. The ski resorts are open but with limited runs. The hoar frost made for a beautiful sight last year, but at least there is no ice on the road to worry about.

  2. Happy Birthday Mark. Are you sure you are not retired yet, as you are doing a very good impression of a retiree albeit one who is doing it the right way with overseas travel and luxury hotels. Don't forget to pick up the discount bus card when you get back to Auckland.

    1. Thanks Lawrence. Yes I have to work another year - COVID set me back when I took a voluntary salary cut for a year to save someone else a job. Now I need to recover that to keep me in the manner I am accustomed in my dotage. I will apply for my gold card, but I think it might be means tested.

  3. Happy birthday and anniversary! Tomorrow is the Longest Day and I always feel we turn a corner after that, likewise with the Winter Solstice. We've had the odd tremor here now and then that's woken some people, but not me. Something I don't fancy experiencing to be honest!

    1. Thanks Steve. It was the longest day where I was born (probably very long for my mother), but the shortest day here. For us the worst winter weather is in July and August - but given the awful summer we had this year, who knows.

  4. I loved Queenstown, we were there for three days in 2020 as part of a south island road trip. Amazing scenery and lovely people.

    1. It's a lovely part of the world Chris...and rapidly becoming one my favourite places in NZ. Retirement to these parts is very tempting...

  5. Happy anniversary and birthday Mark....I am amazed it is five years since our meal to celebrate your sixtieth! You have certainly celebrated in style once again!

    1. Thanks Keith...yes time flies doesn't it? I was given the option of another party at Jean-Christophe's or three nights at Gibbston - worked out about the same price! Just had a beer in the Cardrona pub for you?

    2. I think I would definitely have taken the same option hard feelings at all!

    3. Almost had to have an extension to the holiday (what a hardship that would have been, right) with ZQN enclosed in fog...The first few flights out were cancelled, but our aircraft got away. Home now and ready to pick up the brushes again!

  6. congrats on both counts , but I think the term you might be looking for is ward of the state

    1. Thanks Bruce...not a ward yet...thankfully.

  7. Happy birthday good blogging buddy. 😀

  8. Happy birthday and congratulations on your wedding anniversary! Sounds like a great long weekend !
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. It was a great break...we were away for six days, but nine days off work so that seems like several weeks. In fact I woke up this morning and had no idea what day of the week it that has to be good!
