
Saturday 8 April 2023

Regiment Froon Completed

Over the weekend I have finished off the Third Battalion, Regiment Froon.

I have to admit that these 36 figure battalions are a bit of a marathon compared to my usual 18 or 24 man units. But they are done.

And here is the whole regiment with three line battalions and one landwehr (back left).

Next on the painting table is another artillery unit, as a bit of a break from all that white.


  1. I assumed Froon was a typo....but I guess not. 😀
    great job, and the extra figures do add a lot of weight to the unit.

    1. 02
      Thanks Stew. I chose that regiment in part because of the bright green facings and in part because of the name. I was considering Regiment Erzherzog Rudolf as the name of the next regiment, but I am not sure about the yellow facings.

  2. That all looks great, and a mountain of work. I find that when I increase my batch sizes from the normal it can feel like a real slog.

    1. I know some people do 48 figure Austrian battalions, but that would kill me! As it is I have three more line battalions to do which will challenge me. Thankfully I have a gun set, some generals and a jager battalion to spread between them to get some variety.

  3. They look great Mark but you and Chris doing these huge battalions have almost made my collection of six base/eighteen figure Austrian units redundant!

    1. Not redundant Keith…not all units were at full strength.

  4. Another fine unit there Mark and hats off to you for being able to maintain such a steady output and of excellent quality:).

    1. Thanks Steve. I have to admit that the last battalion was a bit of a grind. I definitely need to space these battalions out with other units to avoid that grind.

  5. That makes for a rather splendid regiment Mark.
    It would be some weight if they were all metal

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly. Indeed it would have been some weight, but it might have been compensated by the lightening of my wallet!
