
Saturday 11 February 2023

Here We Go Again!

Following on from the “atmospheric river” that dumped 240mm (10 inches) of rain on us two weeks ago, tropical cyclone Gabrielle is barrelling in from the Coral Sea and in line for a probable strike on Monday. With predictions of winds of up to 150 kph (93 mph) and 300mm (12 inches) of rain we are in for a fun time in the city that summer forgot.

Tropical cyclones are common at this time of year in this part of the world and barely a year goes by that we don’t feel the residual effect of one that has passed through the South Pacific. But not that often do the hit us directly. The last major one was back in 1988.

We didn’t suffer from the “atmospheric river” event because we are good distance from any water courses and are relatively elevated, but properties one kilometre away from us, near the local creek, were under waist height water and are likely to suffer again if the predictions are correct. Any potential risk for us is from wind damage - the fence on the eastern boundary has a partly rotted post on the neighbour’s side that I have braced as best I can, but it still may give way in a heavy gust.

But what annoys me the most is that I have a head cold and have had to bail out of tomorrow’s game!

Oh well at least the lead pile is moderately full.


  1. Batten down the hatches and treat your head cold. Maybe painting is not out of the question?

    1. Yes I have battened down all I can, cleaned out the guttering, secured the garden furniture and screwed down parts of the spa pool shed roof that were lifting. The paints are out and there are many plastic figures ready to be assemble…I won’t run out of things to do.

  2. Well, if your hatches are tight and your drinks cold, painting does seem the best thing to do. Sorry about your cold.

  3. Lol, I had a post with EXACTLY the same title planned Mark....I even have the same image, along with a "Braking News" headline from RNZ! It's certainly getting pretty windy out here at the moment, hoping we don't see anything too dramatic by way of damage!

    1. Yes it was windy last night, but relatively calm now. I suspect by the evening it is going to be up there though. The last big blow we had back in 2019 we lost a few tiles from the roof, but that was some freak gusts that measured 200 kph at the Manakau Heads, and from the south west where we are exposed.

  4. Ooohhh. Pretty but dangerous. Like a forest fire. Or some women I’ve known. 😀

    1. It’s even prettier now that there is some red in the image…oh wait…red is not good…

  5. I have been watching this one and hoping that it didn't cross the South East Queensland coast, but it never crossed my mind it would head towards New Zealand. You never know with these things though, and hopefully if it does hit the cooler waters as it gets closer will take out some of the intensity. A day spent painting should be nice and relaxing though, if the weather behaves itself.

    1. It’s not too bad yet, but there is a big high pressure system to the east pushing it south so I think we can be certain it is coming our way. Painting will commence shortly…

  6. Fingers crossed it won't hit your locale too badly and once again it made the news here in the UK. Hope the head cold is abating and that you can get some painting in. Maybe you might even get some fine late Summer weather?

    1. Thanks Steve. It has not been too bad here…yet…the rain so far has been steady but not torrential and the wind although gusty hasn’t been as bad as elsewhere. But it is still early…
