
Sunday 26 February 2023

Action in the American Civil War

Today we fought an American Civil War game, three players a side. This is our first game after several weeks following all the recent weather events.

What follows is a series of randomly taken images. I will try to  describe what is happening in each, but I have to admit that I didn’t leave my end of the table much during the game so that description may be a little vague.

At the opposite end of the table from me my Union colleagues begin to cross the river covered by a battery

Near the centre the Confederates secure the road junction that is one of their objectives.

More Union troops arrive

The starting positions on my flank

Union troops secure the bridge that leads to their supply depot 

Things start to develop on my front

Union troops occupy the fence lines on the far flank 

Union cavalry try to skirt the Confederate position

The Confederates assault my battery - they manage to drive the gunners off after a sharp fight.

In the centre the Confederate line is forming

A one on one combat in my flank 

Two Union regiments secure the river bank

Union dismounted troopers skirmish with Confederate cavalry 

Rebel reinforcements press forward 

Things are heating up for me

The rebels prepare a final push on my position…after some initial success I succeed in pushing them back. 

The game ended with a Union victory. Both sides had secured their objectives, but more the Confederates suffered severe losses on my front.

It was a good way to pass a a summer’s day (not that we have seen much in the way of summer this year).


  1. Stunning visuals, Mark. You fellas always set a very impressive table. Good to see you getting in a game after your short, weather-induced hiatus.

    1. While it was visibly appealing it was a challenging terrain to play on…but a fun game and a glorious victory for the Union!

  2. Looks great as always Mark. Two ACW games in quick succession for Chris although he probably did not play today, being the scenario designer this time?

    1. You are right he umpired…and had to leave early (but was able to return).

  3. Mark that is very attractive table. I have run through the pictures twice, just a pleasure to browse. Cheers.

    1. Thanks Norm. If you check again in about 18 hours I will append another batch of images that someone is sending through to me tomorrow morning for inclusion.

  4. Great looking game and units. Lots of ACW players in N Z this last week from looking at the blogs.

    1. It was indeed pleasing to the eye. We do try to get in a good number of ACW games in a year.

  5. What a lovely looking game Mark and great for you guys to be able to meet up after all the weather related issues you've have to deal with of late. Good to see the Union getting a win too:).

    1. It was great to get a sunny day. Sadly the weather hasn’t done with us yet…as I type there is a band of thunder cells passing through…accompanied by more rain.

  6. Beautiful table as usual. It must have been quite an absorbing game if you didn't leave your end of the table.

    1. It was absorbing, but the turns went by so quickly that there wasn’t time to go ‘visiting’.

  7. This is relevant to my interests.
    I LOVE a good looking ACW battle. it's my favorite. Nice pics you have here.
    I didn't even read the captions because I am so in tune with the ACW that I instantly know what's going on....😁

    1. I am a huge fan snd student of the ACW, but I had no idea what was going on at the other end of the table, so you did better than me!

  8. A splendid looking game Mark....
    Not knowing what is happening on the other side of the battlefield is probably quite an accurate experience...

    All the best Aly

    1. Thanks Aly, you are right a very accurate experience.
