
Tuesday 1 November 2022

More Napoleonic Prussian Dragoons

Today’s post presents the 1st West Prussian Dragoon Regiment, Number 2. It is the second of six units in this Prussian Napoleonic cavalry expansion that will include three Dragoon regiments, one Cuirassier regiment and two small Mounted Volunteer Jäger units.

I have done this regiment because of its white facings. Of the six regiments of dragoons that existed at the start of 1813, four had red facings (of two hues) with either brass or pewter buttons as the differentiator and I wanted to get variety, which was the driver behind the last regiment presented (Brandenburg Dragoon Regiment, No 5) with its black facings.

Once again I have done one stand as mounted jägers, shown below on the extreme left of the image.

The third regiment is glued up and ready to join the queue about the middle of November.


  1. Very nice paint job Mark and I fully endorse your methodology in unit selection - I do exactly the same sort of thing for any horse and musket army with facing and/or coat colour variations - the War of 1812 US army is particularly good for that, with units wearing coats of blue, black or buff, with different facing colours too!

    1. And this is the course I have taken with the American AWI…in fact the unit I am working on at or sent has red coats for variety.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Jonathan, I have decided to replace the next unit of dragoons with a unit of cuirassiers to bring a little more variety to the painting queue.

  3. Lovely looking Dragoons Mark…
    The White facings work really well…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly. I was concerned about the white when I as about way through the first figure, but it came together in the end.

  4. Very nice indeed Mark, and I fully endorse adding units based on their facing colours. I started off trying to stick to OOBs, but soon found it boring and much prefer dipping in to units that offer some variety.

    1. Thanks Lawrence. I did follow an OOB for my French, but I selected formations that gave the variety I wanted, but I have gone abstract with the allied armies.

  5. Fine work there and I must admit I'm in the same camp as Lawrence, with visual interest talking priority over historical OOB. Maybe this is one reason I've embraced ImagiNations over the past few years.

    1. I have a number of collections built against historical OOBs (the Swedes and the FPW Prussians for example) but by far the larger part of my armies are built from a collection of nice looking units!

  6. Brilliant, really 'active and animated' unit!
    Regards, James
    (It is a mystery the way bloggers new comment system does not always recognise that I am logged in!)

    1. Thanks James. There is some browser setting you can change to make sure that Google fixes the ‘Anonymous’ response, but I can’t recall what it is.
