
Monday 21 November 2022

A Break from the Routine

The last couple of months have been chaotic for me, with a couple of big project deliverables, some very tight deadlines and a major international audit. To get away the routine of daily life in the city we escaped to our favourite NZ destination, Wanaka, for a few days. 

Following our usual practice we flew into Queenstown, had coffee in Arrowtown, visited a couple of our favoured wineries and enjoyed a lunch in Cromwell before checking into our hotel in Wanaka in the early afternoon.

The view from the room wasn’t as spectacular as our last stay, being a ‘garden view’ this time rather than a ‘lake view’ room last time, but pleasant enough all the same, although the low cloud makes this image seem a lot darker than it really was.

After settling into the room we decided to walk onto town and spend the rest of the afternoon and evening there. With a forecast of light rain showers we went prepared with light waterproof jackets, something we soon came to regret as not only did it not rain, but the low cloud kept the heat and humidity in…the temperature may have been only in the low 20s (C), but the humidity was in the mid-90s.

After poking about in a few shops, we found space in a bar we have visited before and spent the first part of the happy hour there. The place was obviously the favourite of the local builders and by 5:00 it was filled with tradesmen enjoying Friday after work drinks. It was amusing to sit back and listen to their banter. An excellent Chinese dinner followed washed down with a nice rosé.

The walk back along the lake shore, through the arcades created by the willows and the taller poplar and beech trees in the balmy evening was very pleasant, although the fragrance of the lupins in bloom along the path was almost overwhelming.

In the early twilight the famous Wanaka tree reflected in the calm water - the first time in our visits here that I have seen the tree in leaf. But in the distance, to the east, the rain was approaching.

As we got back to the hotel the first spots of rain began to fall. Within a few minutes the fall was steady although it didn’t last long. It had been a long day - we had been up since 4:00 AM - so an early night was in order.

Saturday was a very quiet day for us. We had planned to head over to Tekapo to the hot springs, but the forecast was for heavy rain (mind you the forecast for Wanaka was for rain and not a drop fell) and since the weather looked more promising for Sunday, we decided to postpone the visit and potter around the town instead for a bit of shopping, have some lunch and then read on the hotel balcony in the warmth of the afternoon…with a glass or two of Central Otago Pinot Noir.

Of course one of the more important aspect of the trip (some might say THE most important) was the ability to forage along the lake shore for some basing stones. About kilogram of varied size schist rubble was gathered and bagged for transport.

There was also a nice range of twigs available for foraging, but at that suggestion I was met by some odd looks that made me think better of it. Drinks and dinner in town closed out the day.

Sunday dawned a much more promising day for our trip to Tekapo and we headed off just after 9:00AM.

Travelling through the fabulous scenery of the Lindis Pass, the Mackenzie country and past Lake Pukaki we arrived at Tekapo a little after 11:00.

The view up the Lindis Pass (although this shot was taken the way back to Wanaka actually)

We drove down to the hot pools, that were a little underwhelming too be honest, but having driven two hours to get there we spent some time soaking in the warm water, with a few drops of rain falling. We then went on to lunch before a visit to the lovely stone Church of the Good Shepherd at the head of the lake before a return to Wanaka for afternoon drinks and a walk into town for dinner.

Walking back to the hotel, looking to the north, the sky was looking ominous and a few drops of rain fell.

But the weather did not turn dramatically, although there was a light rain shower. So much for the four days of rain that was forecast for the region (although in fairness apparently they did have torrential rain on the Thursday in Wanaka).

Monday was a travel day for us (and another day with just a few spots of rain). We checked out of the hotel about 9:30 and stopped for a coffee in town before heading off for a leisurely drive to Queenstown where we had lunch in our favourite Indian restaurant before heading to the airport and some time in the lounge before our flight home and the end of another epicurean adventure.

It was a great break away from the hassles of the city with great food, wine and scenery, but always a bit deflating to be home, especially when it is work tomorrow, but what helps to counteract the deflation is this sight on the doorstep…

… parcel one of two from Nottingham with fresh recruits for the Russian Napoleonic and Prussian Napoleonic and Franco-Prussian armies,



  1. Great stuff Mark, it really us a very nice part of the country. We gave had almost continuous rain in Auckland all weekend, Saturday evening was particularly torrential and as a consequence, our head office building had a major leak and now I may not be back there till the New Year!

    1. When I looked at the forecast on Thursday that showed four days of rain I had pretty much resigned to spending most of our trip indoors, so was pretty delighted to have an almost rain free time. I did read of the AKL weather on various news outlets.

  2. Thank you for sharing the vacation! The countryside is incredibly beautiful and I hope someday to visit there.

    1. Thanks Mark. When the price of airfares drops a little, you should visit.

  3. Nice scenery, maybe next time some ziplock bags will give cover to surreptitious collecting of landscape materials. "Just fixing my shoes, nothing to see here!"

    1. In fairness I can generally forage sufficient twig ‘stock’ in the garden, but sometimes that one you see on on your travels is so much better…

  4. You are living the Good Life, my friend.

    1. i think I am at the point where life is too short for bad experiences…even though I have just logged in at work to find 731 new emails in the inbox!

    2. THAT is certainly the killer, Mark!

    3. Yes I have weeded out about 200 in two hours, but many of the remaining ones need more that a passing glance.

  5. What a lovely place to have a break and I loved to see the Lupins growing wild by the Church.

    1. Yes the Lupins are just coming into flower now. In some places they were on full display, but in others only partly. The road between Wanaka and Queenstown has big pockets of them but they are late - probably because the valley there has a bit more attitude there and it is a few degrees cooler.

  6. Looks like you did get a bit of a view of the lake from the hotel room. Great basing material there too. I can't get over the prices of airfares at the moment, with Brisbane to Auckland at $1800 return and even a return trip to Melbourne the week before Christmas looking like $1500 at the moment rather than the usual $700/$800 for that time of year.

    1. And we had a great view of the mountains all the same. I can’t see the fares coming down soon what with the fuel price and every service provided putting their prices up. I heard even higher prices AKL-SYD return for Christmas. We just booked our flights to Canada for next year at eye watering prices…the only good thing is that the airpoints are stacking up!

  7. Even with grey clouds and rain…the scenery still looks beautiful.
    A nice break, good food and toys when you get home… sweet!

    All the best. Aly

    1. It certainly is a beautiful part of the country…you can see why I am interested in retiring there…the problem is that house prices are rising there while they are falling everywhere else…but there is always that chance of a lottery win…

  8. Parcel 2 should be with you soon

    1. I Hope so…it contains the command figures I need to finish the unit I am working on at present.

  9. Looks wonderful. I love it down there. What hotel did you stay at? We're looking for nice accommodation next year.

    1. Thanks Roly. We stayed at the Edgewater Resort and have stayed there three times in the last few years. It is right on the western lake front with nice views. It is not the cheapest but if is nice and within easy walking distance of town and some good restaurants and bars. It tends to book out fairly quickly, especially in the high seasons, but if you watch the website you can get some bargains.
