
Monday 3 October 2022

Russian Dragoons

The first of the planned three Russian dragoon regiments has ridden out of the uniform store onto the parade ground, before going in to barracks.

This has been created as the Kharkov regiment with orange facings and brass buttons.

The other two regiments I will do will be the Kiev regiment (my way of thumbing my nose at Mr P) and the Tver regiment. 


There was a temptation to do all the regiments in a burst, but I have decided to intersperse them with amongst the four of five projects currently in play.


  1. As always with the Perrys, really nice figures. Talking of nose thumbing, are you still allowed to say Kharkov....seems it's now Kiev has become Keev, not spelled that way but it seems to be the PC way of pronouncing it....which seems a bit odd, as we don't say Kobnhavn for the Danish capital, or pronounce Paris Paree....cultural sensibility seems to depend on the political point you want to make!

    1. I suspect it has always been Kharkiv to people that live there, but distorted by mispronunciation over the centuries…a bit like Mumbai and Kolkata. But I have just stuck to the spelling in my references!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, I have just undercoated the first of the Prussian dragoons, so maybe by the weekend there will be another unit to show.

  3. Fine work on these Mark and I chose a similar colour scheme for one of my ImagiNations units recently, although the dark green didn't work so well in 10mm and could have done with beign a tad brighter. Still they look OK and I need to push on with other units in the painting queue.

    1. Thanks Steve. I always think the Russians in that dark green uniform have a sinister look to them that I like.

  4. Very nice looking miniatures. Well done. 😀

    1. Thanks Stew. I hadn’t done any Russian line troops for a while. I had forgotten how effective that uniform is and how simple it is to paint.

  5. Great stuff Mark. I do like the Russian cavalry uniforms, although less so in the 80's when they were monstering my Scots Greys.

    1. Ha, back in those days I only had one regiment of dragoons…with this batch I will have five…imagine what I will be able to monster now…
