
Sunday 21 August 2022

A Spot of Napoleonic Gaming and Another New Unit

Today, on a rare sunny day at the end of a miserably wet and windy week, we gathered to play a rather large Napoleonic game, where a Franco-Bavarian force of around 30 battalions, 13 cavalry regiments and 12 batteries took on a Russo-Austrian force of 32 battalions, 11 cavalry regiments and 14 batteries.

Looking down the table at the start of the game with the Russio-Austrians on the right and the Franco-Bavarians on the left.

My Russian infantry division deployed

The guns go into action…

…and the cuirassiers prepare to engage

The Austrians are to my right

The Russo-Austrians begin their advance

The Russian horse artillery swings into action

The Pavolgrad Hussars charge and break two Bavarian units before being driven off themselves

The Allied artillery is dominant 

The Russians and Austrians surge forward, the Russian cuirassiers (forward, centre left) form up…

…they charge…

…and suffer the shame of being routed and destroyed by…HUSSARS

The Austrian Cuirassiers move forward 

At the other end of the field an Austrian force supports the other Russian division

To my left the Bavarians are moving to secure the river crossings
In the centre the battle develops.

The French cavalry are confronted by a wall of Russian bayonets…

The Austrian advance is stalling

In the end the battle was ruled a draw, favouring the Franco-Bavarians.

I am sure that Keith will have a view from his side of the table…at the other end of the field from me.


  1. Nice to see a bit more of what went on at your end Mark. I popped down occasionally for some photo ops but I didn't really have much idea about what was actually happening there, bar the famous victory of the French Hussars, of course...we all knew about THAT!

    1. I was surprised to find that I had very few shots of your end of the table.

  2. Just saw this on Kieth’s blog and now a double barrel of the battle with your pics as well.
    That looks like great fun and the special thing that is having a large spectacle lates out before you.
    Nice pics and troops all around!
    Only two things could make it better; me being there and It being an ACW battle. 😀😀😝

    1. It was a good thing that many of the troops were plastic otherwise the table might have collapsed under the weight of lead! Given that a number of the people in the group have been busily painting ACW figures there should be an ACW game in the not too distant future!

  3. Just read Keith's review so it was nice to see things from your perspective. Also great to see Barry's Bavarians in action again. I remember being beaten by them when I was fourteen or fifteen.

    1. Yes that have been around a long time those Bavarians. They suffered pretty heavily at the hands of the Russian gunners yesterday though.

  4. What a magnificent sight! This is why we game with miniatures and not cardboard counters. An most excellent game.

    1. There certainly were a lot of little men there…maybe a couple of thousand. It’s nice to have a big table with big number of toys!

  5. Splendid stuff indeed Mark…
    That is certainly a fine collection of toys…plastics certainly put a lot less strain on the table…and back.

    All the best. Aly

    1. And a lot easier on by ageing back too when I carry them down the narrow path around the side of the house!

  6. That is certainly a visual feast Mark and nice when you can get together for big games such as this.

    1. Thanks Steve. There is nothing quite like a table full of figures, is there?
