
Friday 1 July 2022

Six Months Gone Already

I am not sure if it is age or the fact that this COVID stuff has just made our lives busier, but time seems to fly and it is hard to believe that we are six months into 2022! 

It has been a busy half year hobby wise. Three projects - the Great Paraguayan War, the American Civil War dismounted cavalry and the AWI French - have been completed (although the option to expand is always open). The Swedish Napoleonic project is nearing completion. The Franco-Prussian War Prussians are a little more than half way through, while the French side of the project has not yet started. The AWI Americans have begun and may even be completed before year’s end. The Aztecs...well I’m not sure where that will go. The terrain tiles were also completed in this period

A fairly healthy figure count has driven these statistics:

Looking forward to the next six months I will continue to work on the incomplete projects, but have no vision for new projects at present, in part because storage space (with the figure count having exceeded 16,000) is exhausted, and in part because I have largely completed collections in my areas of interest.

One project I am very keen on at present is the AWI Americans and here is the next unit in that project, the 2nd Virginia Line Regiment, done as a small (16 figure) unit. I really like working with these figures.



  1. That has been a very productive six months, and with a lot of variety in there. The new Virginia regiment looks great, and quite a bit different to what I normally think of when it comes to American AWI regiments. It's great when you come across a batch of figures that are really enjoyable to paint.

    1. Yes it is interesting that it is hard to see how busy a time it has been until I do these reviews. I thought I was well behind last year, but I am actually tracking slightly ahead. The AWI project is going to bring quite a few different uniforms to the fore in the next few months.

  2. Always an amazing quantity of lead passes over your painting desk. You paint more in six months than I accomplish in twelve months. Great job and terrific variety.

    1. Oddly the number of plastic figures may outnumber the number of metals this year…must count that…I really do need to cut back on volume now I think!

  3. That is a very impressive output Mark and always of consistently high quality too. 16,000 figures? My mind boggles at how and where do you store them all?

    The AWI infantry unit looks superb as always:).

    1. Oh they are stored in many places…in the garage, in my study cupboard, under my desk, beside my desk, and a few other spots besides.

  4. A very impressive figure count Mark…
    Assembling all the plastics is a heroic enterprise in its own right…

    I can honestly say … I’ve painted a lot less 😁

    All the best. Aly

    1. Oddly I don’t find the plastic assembly too onerous. I think because I only assemble what I need to paint, rather than assemble the while box - that would be tedious. I also find that in these days of working from home and all those unending Zoom calls, I can turn off the video and assemble figures while still participating in the meeting…who said men can’t multi-task!?

  5. Sixteen thousand figures eh Mark?! It would be interesting...if time count my own collections one day....I can certainly understand the storage problem, I have not had room for any more figures for about three years now...oh....wait....😄😅

    1. I didn’t set out to count them, but I needed a way to record accurately what I have simply for when organising games. So I created a database (subsequently changed to a series of linked spreadsheets). Once done it was a simply task to have a few formulas to count them. I can create some more storage space in the garage, but it will take time and money - both of which are always in short supply every time I look to do it.

  6. Mark you are a machine ;-)
    Some great projects have come off the production line this year. Looking for to H2.

  7. You've been very productive Mark...And splendid 2nd Virginia regiment!

    1. Thank you Phil. There is still quite a lot in the basing backlog yet to be presented here.
