
Tuesday 21 June 2022

A New Project

I had been thinking for some time that I needed to do some Americans for the American War of Independence. Now I know that my AWI British and Hessians were built because we had a shortage of British in our collective forces and that the French were all built to supplement and provide variety to the vast numbers of American troops already in the group, but I felt the need to own some Americans. So when a local supplier ran a special on the Perry plastic fugures at 30% off (making them a marginally cheaper than buying them direct from the UK, but able to be delivered next day) the inner magpie yelled “BUY ‘EM”! And buy ‘em I did…five boxes of ‘em…190 figures…enough for 12 battalions if I buy a few extra command sprues, which I have.

And what lovely little figures they are. Slightly smaller and more delicate than the Franco-Prussians I have been working on of late and the sprues have a nice mix of arms that means it is possible to create units marching formally, informally or a mixture of the two. The ability to add a few figures in hunting shirts, or even whole units in hunting shirts by buying few additional riflemen sprues is also attractive.

Since most of the Continental units owned by others in the group are all kitted out in the traditional blue and white uniform (with the occasional buff trousers) I decided that I wanted to do a mixture of uniforms from the 1777-79 period where other coloured coats were more common. I also wanted to good representations of the different states. I have elected to do four units from Virginia, four from Connecticut, two from South Carolina and two from New Hampshire that will give me an interesting mix of coat colours and head gear.

The first unit I have done is the Second Virginia State Regiment.

Formed in 1776 this regiment was intended for home defence, but when recruitment slumped after the heavy losses in the Virginia regiments at Germantown it was transferred into Continental service in January 1778. It joined the army at Valley Forge in time to participate in the Philadelphia Campaign. The following year it fought at Monmouth. It remained with the Continental Army until late 1779 when it was recalled to Virginia and many of the companies were disbanded the following year. Those companies that weren’t disbanded were merged with other State companies and served at Yorktown to be formally disbanded in 1782.

I chose this regiment because the green trousers, red waistcoat and blue coat presented an interesting uniform variant.

Next in this project, that could be a few weeks away yet, will be the Second Virginia Line Regiment, with grey coat faced green and with s round hat.

A future purchase will add some artillery and a squadron of Continental dragoons.

Speaking of purchases what better way to come home from a hard day in the salt mines to find on the doorstep a big batch of toys…and on my birthday too…

The special day was later celebrated by the consumption of this delicious Grand Cru…



  1. stop with the prolific painting and posting , you make the rest of us look bad , happy 64th (?) revoloution

    1. Ha ha…yes 64 just 365 days until I get my gold card! Then another year to retirement….was to be August next year but the superannuation had taken such a massive hit in the last six months, I need to extend…

  2. Happy birthday! Lovely varied looking continentals, I like the less uniform period with brown jacketed units as well as grey and blue, variety being the spice of life, but 190 figures will barely see out the month, I'm concerned that you need another period! Great Italian wars?
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. Until I bought the Perry boxes and looked at the painting guide they provide I wasn’t aware of the vast variety of colours. I am going to enjoy this project.

  3. Tease. Good for you on the sale. Neat idea on the choice of uniforms. You can put the French and Americans together for the March from Rhode Island to Virginia.

    1. I have an interesting game based on that very idea, using one of the Civil War battlefields as the basis.

  4. Now that's a nice new project Mark and a very nice first unit too. Really looking forward to seeing the units as they come off the painting line. Happy birthday too!

    1. Thanks Steve. I have a number of interesting items coming off the painting table in the next few weeks.

  5. Happy Birthday Mark, and nice to see a couple of Perry Miniatures boxes on the doorstep. The 1/2 and 2/2 is a dead giveaway. Nice work on the Virginia State Regiment. I can't recall ever having seen that colour combination before, apart from on slightly mad uncles at weddings.

    1. Thanks Lawrence. The Bordeaux was very smooth too. It is unusual for both boxes to arrive at once…they are usually a week or so apart. I think that the Virginia state regiments must have had an Italian or Spanish designer!

  6. First up, happy birthday Mark! And I had to laugh, I came very close to a similar investment when I saw those discounted packs on the local retail site! AWI game soon perhaps?

    1. Thanks Keith…some times I think that Mighty Ape is listening to me…

  7. Happy birthday!

    Great looking continental line regiment. How are the Perry plastics to work with? I have stayed away from the plastics because of unfamiliar with working with them but I might have to give them a try.

    If you are looking for unusual and different flags for the Continental line try these:

    1. Thanks Mark. I really like the Perry plastics. There are always lots of variants (and you can create further variants by angling hats, etc), they are much lower cost, easier to convert and are substantially lighter if you need to transport them.

      One thing that seems to put some people off is the assembly, but the trick is to only assemble what you are going to paint otherwise it is a chore. I work on six figures at a time so I assemble six the night before. Having said that I have sat through several tedious conference calls recently and by turning off the camera it allowed me to assemble entire units so I was able to get well ahead of the game.

      Thanks for the flags link.

  8. Very nice indeed Mark…
    I also think that the more varied uniforms are nicer…
    And a Happy Birthday…

    All the best. Aly

    1. I agree they are nice…so is the second unit that is waiting to come off the basing tray. Only 360 days to the next birthday…the big one…started planning the party already!
