
Sunday 30 January 2022

Travelling South…Again

This weekend is the Auckland Anniversary Weekend (each province has its own local holiday - most do not coincide) and as we did on Anniversary Weekend last year we have headed south again to Central Otago to continue our epicurean exploration of the region. I know we were here just a month ago, but with Omicron predicted to explode in the community within a week we were at first  a little hesitant to go then figured this could be the last chance to get about freely for a while and the wine was calling. 

In truth it is a part of a cunning plan on my part to convince her indoors that this would be a place to retire to. She seems to be warming to the idea and is already suggesting that we should come back for her birthday in May…I love when a plan comes together! 

So here we are eating our way around Queenstown, Cromwell and Wanaka, visiting various wineries along the way - and collecting a number of bottles to go back with us…sure glad we packed lightly.

A pleasant view of the vineyards in the Gibbston Valley

An even more pleasant view of the barrel room at Peregrine Wines where my credit card took a bit of a hammering.
And the result of the hammering.

I have also had some time to catch up on reading, with Andrew Limm’s “Walcheren to Waterloo” a very different view of the  British expeditions in the Low Countries, and Douglas Murphy’s  “Two Armies on the Rio Grande: The First Campaign of the US-Mexican War” to reacquaint me with the details of that campaign.
Back home tomorrow, back to painting….and work 😩


  1. Lovely landscape. Sure bears the snow and ice from up north.

    1. Yes it is a stunning part of the world. The temperature has been a pleasant 24-27 degrees C. While it can get cold here in the winter, it is not as cold as where you are and while snow is not unknown it doesn’t stay on the ground for an extended time.

  2. Another nice trip Mark. We spent Sunday back over at Man o War Bay on Waiheke via friends with a boat...nice leisurely lunch and then a bit of swimming in the very warm's a hard life being under the strict Omicron lockdown of our authoritarian Socialisr government!

    1. We drove across to Wanaka for lunch yesterday. It’s a stunning drive across the Crown Range. Off to the airport in an hour or so.

  3. Nice to be able to get away once again, especially before Omicron probably puts pay to plans for some time in your neck of the woods. It certainly looks a nice area to retire to, that's for sure.

    1. Yes I am quite tired of all the fuss about COVID - particularly the way the media is stirring it up and scaremongering. In many ways I am ready to catch the damned thing and get on with life. Roll on retirement - only 577 days to go!

  4. A good idea to get another trip in before any further restrictions come into place. Perhaps the government will finally say that enough people are vaccinated and it is time to let it go, although I do worry about my elderly parents there. If and when you do finally retire to the South Island, what will your gaming plans be?

    1. Yes it was a great mini break - seemed much longer than it was. I think now that we are at 96% double vexed and a good percentage of boosters administered, we are ready to let it go. The gov5 has more or less done this and the only real restrictions are on the number of people at events, enforced mask wearing in public spaces, and a requirement to isolate of infected. There are of course harsher restrictions on the unvaccinated. Your folks shoulD be OK where they are.

      I need to give the gaming ideas some thought if we do move to Central Otago, but at least I have 576 days to think about it.

  5. The other half can't get enough of the Peregrine Chardonnay..... so am not showing her your post...otherwise we will have to have a road trip! In saying the ladz has an offer in on 2 hectares land with big new house surrounded by the mountains. Awesome. So you hopefully have a gaming lodge close by when you relocate!!


    1. We had their Sauvignon Blanc with dinner last night. Very nice the Pinot Gris and Rosé are very smooth. Best thing about Peregrine is that if ho7 buy six bottles or more online it’s freight free.
