
Saturday 4 December 2021

Regiment von Donop

After 107 days yesterday we finally moved out of our Level 3 COVID-19 lockdown and into our new Traffic Lights Protection Framework. What this means is that those of us in Auckland at the highest (Red) level and who are double vaccinated have some greater freedoms - we can go to restaurants, bars, shops etc, with certain restrictions (capped numbers in venues, must be seated, social distancing, masks in enclosed public spaces,…). To celebrate our “freedom” on Friday evening we enjoyed a nice bottle of Côte de Rhône and I finished the first musketeer battalion for my small force of Hessian AWI troops, Musketier-Regiment von Donop.

Raised 1687 and named in honour of General-Major Wilhelm Heinrich August von Donop, the regiment fought at Long Island, Fort Washington, Brandywine, Germantown, Monmouth Court House, Connecticut Farms and Springfield.

Two more musketeer battalions to complete the Hessian contingent are in the production schedule for this month.

Also completed this week is a second Swedish Napoleonic gun set…

…and a pond terrain tile, complete with a pair of ducks (more ducks are expected soon - when a ready source is found).



  1. Very nice....I particularly like the ducks, what type are they?

    1. Thanks Keith. Not certain but probably they are the Roast variety.

  2. Three charming pieces, the pond is unusually nice. Maybe the ducks chose it for its peaceful look. Definitely more ducks are in order. Your Hessians may yet tip me into building some AWI forces.

    1. Thanks. The pond was a lot of fun to make. If the Hessians don’t get maybe the French, that are coming next, will!

  3. Mark, your Germans and Swedes are superb. The Perry marching pose is a handsome one.

    1. I agree that pose, with the rigid step is impressive - very Germanic you might say.

  4. Two very nice units and the pond look great too. Good to hear you are able to finally get out and about a bit more after so long under lockdown. We've been there and can empathise with you and how nice it is to feel 'free' again. Fingers crossed it gets to stay this way for you all. Here in Blighty we're still waiting to see how much the Omicron variant will have on things in the run up to Xmas. Lots of works parties already being cancelled...

    1. Thanks Steve. We have had a gradual reduction of restrictions with retail opening a couple of weeks ago. I actually went back in into the office last week for more than just an hour or two (had no option really as I had a new staff member to induct) and it was quite liberating. Is it just me or does Omicron sound like some science fiction automaton character? Nonetheless let’s hope it is not the threat that is predicted.

  5. Lovely toys as always Mark…
    I particularly like the pond… and of course the ducks.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly. Those ducks have been kicking around for years waiting to find a place to rest…

  6. Great work on the Hessians and the pond looks terrific. As others have commented, I especially like the ducks. My father tried explaining the traffic light system but I was none the wiser at the end of it. It's like some of the rules here. Our borders are apparently "opening" on 17th, but you have to have had a negative PCP COVID test within the previous 72 hours to be allowed back into Queensland. So if you're interstate for a couple of nights you can get the test as soon as you arrive which will be negative, then run around meeting people and going out for dinner etc. with no idea whether you have picked it up, but with your negative test in your pocket.

    1. Thanks Lawrence. I now have enough frames on hand to complete the whole 70 tiles I need. They will keep me busy through the summer. I fear that the traffic light system will cause much confusion, but as long as I can get away to Queenstown for Christmas I’m afraid I don’t care what happens!

  7. Very nice Mark, a get addition and the pond is lovely.
