
Thursday 23 December 2021

Regiment von Bose

The weekend saw the last of battalion of my Hessian brigade for the AWI completed. This unit is Musketier-Regiment von Bose. Raised 1701 it fell under under the patronage of General-Major Carl Levin von Trümbach in 1775, then under General-Major Carl Ernst Johann von Bose in 1778. 

The regiment saw a reasonable amount of action during the war including  Forts Clinton and Montgomery, Connecticut Farms and Springfield, Guilford Court House, Green Springs and Yorktown.

And with the brigade complete, it’s time to break out the John Philip Sousa records, shake the dust off the fife and drum corps and have a good old fashioned parade! Here is the whole brigade formed up in fighting formation.

…No I don’t own any Sousa records (nor do I own a record player any more for that matter).


  1. They certainly look "Herrlich" en masse Mark. Strange to tell. I DID own an LP of Sousa Marches when I was a teenager (odd, I know. It sat in with The Clash, Sex Pistols, Stiff Little Fingers etc) but like all my vinyl is long gone. I think given their nationality, Prussian Glory or the Radetzky March might be more appropriate in any case!

    1. Yes they will make for a bit of a difference in our AWI games - instead of having to rope in SYW Brits to make up the numbers. Hessians probably would have scowled at “Prussian Glory” and Radetsky was probably still in short pants in 1778!

  2. You're pumping them out now Mark. More great work. Sousa would sound even better played through a set of Bose speakers.

    1. Painting will slow down for a while as we have “escaped” Auckland for a Christmas in Central Otago. It is so nice to see another part of the country after such a long confinement in Auckland.

    2. Sounds great. Have a great Christmas and New Year.

    3. It is quiet here though. The muck-raking media are saying that much of the Sth Island is worried that Aucklanders will bring COVID south with them, but most of the retailers have been doing it hard and are happy to welcome Aucklanders back.

  3. Another very nice unit and great to see the Brigade on parade. Hope you have a great Xmas away after your enforced confinement. Sadly here we're having a stay at home one once again to try and keep our nearest and dearest safe.

    1. Thanks Steve. We had a nervous wait after the first Omicron cases appeared in the managed isolation facilities to see if restrictions would be reapplied, but the cynical view is that the Prime Minister is getting married in January so no restrictions will be reapplied until after that!

  4. A lovely new unit Mark…
    I like the simplicity of the white facings…
    And a grand parade indeed… the do have a certain determination about them.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly. It finishes off a tidy little force. And you will notice that all the line troops are marching in perfect time - remarkable discipline - only the jägers are out of step…typically slovenly!
