
Thursday 30 December 2021

Finnish Karelian Dragoons

Having completed our epicurean tour of Central Otago and returned to gun city (Auckland has had an up-tick in shootings in recent months) it is back to the painting.

The first thing to do was to complete the horses on a unit for the Swedish Napoleonic collection, the Finnish Karelian Dragoons.

Three more line infantry battalions, a couple of light infantry units, another cavalry regiment and a couple of guns sets for this Swedish collection await their turn on the painting table.


  1. They look good Mark - return to "gun city" - that made me smile!

    1. Sure starting to seem like gun city out west…hardly a day went by in the lead up to Christmas without some sort of firearms event. The other Finnish cavalry regiment is equally impressive, but it is well down in the schedule.

  2. I really like those mark and the bright yellow works very well against the dark blue and grey, plus I have a soft spot for cavalry wearing bicornes.

    Shame about the shootings, which thankfully are very rare here in the UK. We don't get to hear about this sort of thing in the UK, so a bit of a surprise to read about it.

  3. Very nice Mark…
    The dark blue uniforms with yellow facings certainly look very Swedish…

    A few years ago the wags in the tabloids referred to us as Shotingham… it was all over hyped at the time…
    Everything is a lot calmer these days.

    All the best. Aly

    1. It’s a shame that most of the rest of the Finnish army is on grey. Unfortunately many of the shooting have been in the west of the city, where we live, although thankfully none have e been near us.

  4. You can tell their Swedish a mile away. Great work again Mark. Since the bikie gangs have been outlawed with some of the strongest laws in Australia, even after being slightly watered down, gun violence seems very rare in Queensland. Having said that, the incidences we had were really only bikies shooting each other anyway.

    1. The other dragoon regiment is very similar, but has a shako instead of the bicorne.

      Most of the gun problems we have here appear to be turf wars among bikie gangs. The root cause seems to be the Australian Government’s policy of extraditing convicted foreign nationals. Many of those sent here are bikies and they are competing with local gangs.

    2. That would make sense in terms of the associated reduction here. It really is a cheek, sending people that have been living here since they were one year old back to NZ, especially when there was really no requirement for them to become naturalised Australians.

  5. Splendid work,Mark! I suspect our definitions of ‘gun city’ differ…

    1. Thanks Jonathan…yes I suspect you are correct!

  6. Great looking unit. They do exude 'Swede' when you look at them.

    1. Thanks. I made the majority of the figures blonde hair!
