
Friday 5 November 2021

Of Generals and Guns

 My British AWI collection is completed by this batch of figures.

First are three mounted officers: one brigadier stand (the single figures) and one higher command stand (the pair of figures).

Then there are the guns - two of them. One being run forward…

And one firing.

I could have done a limber for each gun, but instead chose one limber and an ammunition wagon

What started out as a small force of seven battalions and a guns to supplement the collections of other players, has grown into a significant force of fifteen battalions and three guns. To further support this force there will be four battalions of Hessians and a gun (plus the Jägers and amusettes of course).

Next on the painting table…another Uruguayan battalion.


  1. Congratulations on finishing the project! You are a painting machine.

  2. Thanks Jonathan. Now in day 80 of our lockdown there isn't much to do in the evenings except paint!

  3. Good for you, a finished force of high on the table look.

    1. Thanks. It is rather good to see them finished. I think a parade is need.

  4. Yes indeed Mark a parade is definitely in order! I really like the two crews and the uniforms they are wearing!

    1. Yes that simple uniform is not what you expect is it? A parade will be held…real life intruded too much yesterday.

  5. Some very nice additions there Mark and great figure poses too, which really add to the whole look and feel of them. Project creep is something that affects all of us I'm sure (guilty as charged!) but it's good when you get enough core units finished to play with. I hope to see them on parade soon.

    I hope your lockdown may be coming to an end soon. Over here numbers dropping locally but still very, very high and the hospitals at near maximum capacity. I've seen more mask wearing of late as I think the message is slowly getting through that this isn't over yet by a long way.

    1. Thanks Steve. Scope creep is awakes a problem with me…it’s all those shiny baubles that keep coming on the market!

      I have business contacts in the UK and have been watching your situation, but our COVID experience is nothing like yours with around 5,000 cases and 30 deaths in total. This lockdown is limited to Auckland. Hopefully with vaccinations edging close to 90% it will end soon.

  6. Beautiful units, and these officiers look so elegant and gorgeous, great job on the bases as well...

  7. The army looks really good. What rules are you using?

    1. Thanks Neil. The rules are homegrown and are under “Free Stuff” on the blog.

  8. Splendid Mark…
    But ‘completed’…. For how long? 😁
    Yes a parade please…

    All the best. Aly

    1. I had planned a parade, but ran out of time yesterday…maybe next week. You know, I think this one is completed. I did think of adding some cavalry, but this wasn’t a cavalry war and others in the group have more than enough. Of course the additions of the Hessians could be seen as an expansion…

  9. Lovely work Mark. It is nice to use that word completed, even if there are one or two unplanned additions down the track.

    1. Thanks Lawrence. I can’t see adding anymore troops because between Keith and me we can probably deploy every regiment that served in war, but maybe some equipment - there are some rather nice wagons in that range - and some civilians that might would have a use in the French and Indian War too.
