
Tuesday 12 October 2021

The Franco-Prussians Continue to Expand.

This batch of Franco-Prussian infantry were the very last items in my lead/plastic pile. The COVID disruption to the international mail systems has seriously delayed deliveries and interrupted my ‘Just in Time’ production schedule. One order placed back in August has not arrived yet while the arrival of another one coming by DHL is immanent.

I have done this battalion as a firing line and represents the Fusilier Battalion, 15th (6th Westphalian)   Infantry Regiment from 13th Division (the only significant difference in the uniform on these models is that the belts are black instead of white for the musketeer battalions). Being an older regiment than the two battalions I had done earlier, I have given them the earlier 1860 Picklehaube (it has a brass cross under the spike instead of a  disc and a brass band running down the back of the helmet) and they carry the earlier standard. 

While it is not evident in these pictures the standard is also partly destroyed. This is because at the insistence of the King the Prussian went into battle in1866 and 1870 with the original painted silk standards, many of which had disintegrated over time. In the 15th Regiment the 1st Battalion’s colours had been destroyed and the 2nd and Fusilier battalions were partly destroyed. So as this regiment develops it will have a bare standard pole for the 1st (except for the streamers) and tattered flags for the 2nd and Fusilier battalions.

I have also completed another four skirmisher stands.

While preparing this post the DHL parcel has arrived and the lead/plastic pile has been restored.

Hopefully the other consignment will arrive soon.


  1. Outstanding brushwork, Mark, and even more impressive airdrop of a figure resupply. Good thing the figures are not from the USA. I think you are on the Do Not Ship list at present.

    1. Thanks Jonathan. Yes we are on the No Ship list from the USA at present. The DHL shipment was impressive - six days door to door with a loss of a day due to the time zones. The other shipment is now 36 days from dispatch - the longest I have ever waited for figures from the UK…including a parcel that went missing back in the 1980’s.

  2. Nice work on the new unit I really like the business-like attitude. Great to see your reinforcements came just in the nick of time nothing worse then no lead pile.

    1. Certainly at day 56 of lockdown the thought of no figures to paint was daunting…and there is lots of variety here for the butterfly can flit between.

  3. Another lovely unit Mark…
    It’s always nice to have new toys…
    You should get through these in a couple of weeks…😁

    All the best. Aly

    1. Wow you are up late Aly! I’ll need to pace myself…these and those in the other shipment enroute are supposed to keep me busy until Mid-December!

  4. Another great unit Mark and loved the bit about the standards being tattered etc. I love this sort of detail (maybe I should get out more!). Great to see that your re-supply drop arrived just in time:)

    1. Thanks Steve. I have operated on a just in time process for some time and have my orders planned well forward. Sadly COVID means that less than one fifth of the normal air traffic is coming into NZ, hence the delay with shipments.

  5. Yet another beautiful Prussian regiment. Absolutely wonderful.

  6. that should keep you off the streets

    1. Thanks Bruce. If the other order arrives it will keep me busy for quite a while…mind you or would be rather nice to be on the streets right now!

    2. my work is on the streets , though with a lesser frequency than before . If you need any play testing crash dummies when the fog lifts drop me a line

  7. Lovely work, and the shredded flag is clearly evident and works really well on this battalion. The postal service of late reminds me of the dreaded sea mail back in the 80's. That was always an exercise in patience.

    1. Yes the dreaded sea mail…I never used it oddly, but it may make a comeback given the state of aviation.

  8. Wow looks like quite a project ahead of you Mark, great looking figures and units! :)

  9. The newly painted Prussians look great Mark and I like the back story! That is a serious resupply and should keep you entertained for a few weeks!

    1. Thanks Keith. I wish the other order would arrive! Between the two there should be enough to take me through to December according to my schedule, and you know how I like to schedule my painting!

  10. You'll have to put them on a diet then... (sorry!)
    Lovely looking unit and skirmishers, but what else would we expect from you? Gorgeous viewing.
    Regards, James

    1. Yes it is this lockdown…like me working from home access to the larder and the fridge is too easy! There are lots more of these to come.

  11. Splendid looking Prussians! Lucky the resupply came in just in time, that would last me years but I know with you they will be up and running in no time!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. With the arrival of the other order I have plenty of “stock” on hand.
