
Saturday 23 October 2021

Organising for War on Two Continents

As we close out day 67 of our lockdown two more units are completed.

First, on the European side of the Atlantic, is the Fusilier Battalion, 74th (2nd Hanoverian) Regiment from the Franco-Prussian War. 

This completes all three battalions of the regiment, with each battalion formed in double company columns, as seen below.

Second, from South America, is the first of three battalions of what will be the Uruguayan component of my Great Paraguayan War collection. This unit is the Voluntarios de la Libertad battalion in their crimson trousers and Carlist berets are a welcome relief from the dark and somber uniforms of the Prussians.

Next the butterfly will flutter to a third continent - North America (although when I went to school North and South America were just counted as a single continent called America) - for an AWI unit.


  1. Such a plethora of well painted units. Touring three continents sounds like fun, especially if you get games lined up to do so.

    1. Yes touring the continents does indeed sound fun, but somewhat unlikely at present I fear.

  2. Two great units Mark! The Prussians always look a bit sombre when on the table, so my ones for 1848 might have the summer white trousers for a bit of variety, but will check as it's been a while to make sure this is correct. The berets really make the South American unit stand out and a nice mix of skin tones too.

    As for lockdown, cases still rising far too quickly in the South West of England, so I think we are expecting some measures to be re-introduced to control the spread. Secondary schools are the main vectors of transmission at present. Let's hope you can come out of lockdown soon as the Summer weather approaches.

    1. Thanks Steve. I have been watching the UK figures with interest since I have a number of relatives and contacts spread from Aberdeen to Southhampton. This weekend, a holiday weekend ironically, is one we probably want to be in lockdown since it is raining and blowing a Gail as I write this.

  3. Mark, you continue making tremendous progress on all fronts. Great results!

    What does lockdown mean for NZ with respect to commerce and social interactions?

    1. Thanks Jonathan.

      Lockdown here is operated in levels with four stages: 4 being the harshest with no social contact, stay at home and only essential services are open, 1 being the least harsh where the only restrictions are mask wearing on public transport and the borders closed. The bulk of the country is at Level 2 that has restrictions placed on large gatherings, retail and hospitality, but Auckland and one other adjacent region (accounting for perhaps one-third of the population) is at Level 3 with - work from home where possible, retail limited to click and collect or home delivery, hospitality closed, gatherings limited to 10, mask wearing in public spaces. The plan is that when vaccination levels reach 90% things will ease, but there is still no clear exit path.

      The economy is holding although tourism (that had been a significant earner for us) is in tatters and hospitality is on a knife edge, but most other businesses are likely to bounce back. The biggest issue we face is the supply chain. Being so remote we are dependent on sea and air shipping to get goods in and out of the country, and both routes are severely disrupted.

  4. Good progress, I really like the close density of the units, it works well.

    1. Thanks Norm. My original plan was to do the Prussians as 8 figures on a 60 x 40mm stand as I have done for my Brazilian infantry, but that was just too dense for the era so I went with 6 instead. The Uruguayans are my standard 6 figures in a 45 x 40mm that I use for pretty much everything else.

  5. The Prussians look very impressive Mark… as do the Uruguayans.
    It’s nice to see that your butterfly is strong…

    All the best. Aly

    1. There was an observation I recall about the advance of the Prussians at one of the battles as looking like an oil stain creating across the land.

      Yes the butterfly is well exercised with lots of pretty things to flutter between.

  6. Great work Mark and very impressive berets on the Uruguayans which would put most Frenchmen to shame.

    1. And the red colour makes them even more impressive. It’s a shame that there is only one unit with berets!

  7. More nice additions to both projects Mark. I am hoping the odd cases of Covid that are popping up in other regions will motivate another few % to get vaccinated - 90% is a pretty ambitious target and splitting it up by District Health Boards is a tactic that could see Auckland as a whole at 91% but still in lock down because one of the DHB's is only at 87% - not a fair way to do it in my opinion!

    1. Yes we aren’t going to be out of home detention until mid-November until the earliest and more likely until December. Using the DHB scheme it’s divisive in my view.

    2. Yes we aren’t going to be out of home detention until mid-November until the earliest and more likely until December. Using the DHB scheme it’s divisive in my view.

  8. SUperb units Mark, love the impressive Prussians!

  9. A fine effort..... nice to see the projects progressing.

  10. Marvellously productive and wonderful looking units Mark.
    Regards, James
