
Sunday 28 March 2021

At Last...A Game...

With the last two attempts to get together for a game foiled by local COVID lockdowns, today we managed to get together for a game. 

The setting is in Spain in 1837 with the Isabellino forces taking on the Carlists.

The setting was that four battalions of French Foreign Legion and five of the British Legion, supported by cavalry and artillery were bottled up in a village with a river to their back over which the bridge had been destroyed. Three brigades of Carlist infantry and two cavalry brigades were closing in, but help, in the form of three brigades of Isabellino troops were on their way.  Those Isabellino reinforcements could arrive on the table in either the eastern or western ends of the table on turn two, at the discretion of the individual brigadiers. The map (north up) of the initial deployment with the reinforcement areas marked  in orange, is below.

The Anglo-French force deployed first, then the Carlists.

The Anglo-French deployment 

A brigade of Carlist cavalry deployed to the west

The other brigade deployed to the east

Of the Isabellino reinforcements two brigades chose to come in on the western edge while the third brigade came  in on the east.

Above and below the Carlists reacted to the eastern arrival of the Isabellinos

Meanwhile the Carlist in the north and west of the town pushed forward against the town to try to take it before  the reinforcements could intervene.

The Isabellino reinforcements on the west advanced slowly while the Carlist in the distance pressed their  attack on the town

To the east a sharp engagement developed . Three Carlist battalions  managed to crowd in on a single Isabellino battalion and opened fire. When they fired they scored nine hits...

 And the Isabellino battalion rolled nine saves!

Finally Isabellinos from the west closed in and put pressure on the Carlist troops attacking the village, forcing them to divert troops.

Then with alarming speed things began to fall apart all over the table. First a brigade of Carlist cavalry decided it had had enough and quit the field. Then the Eastern Isabellino brigade decided enough was enough and it went too. 

Before too long the Isabellino line cavalry got itself into a sound position and swooped down on the now shaky Carlists, sweeping all before them.

With that most of the Carlists were put to flight and the game came to an end, with the Isabellino forces still holding the village.

And finally a couple of random shots

The French Foreign Legion cavalry about to be destroyed 

A Carlist mountain gun crew sight their piece.


  1. What a treat, looks like a good game! Wonderful that you could take photos to share...half the time we get caught up in a game and neglect the camera.

    1. I missed taking images of a large amount of the action, particularly on the western end.

  2. Mark, great to see you were able to finally get a game in with friends. Lovely looking figures as always:)

    1. Thanks Steve, it was good to get together again...I think we were all suffering from a bit of gaming withdrawal.

  3. It was a mamouth struggle Mark and I was very surprised that the western relief force actually reached us in the village in time. John did a great job in the east holding up Julian for most of the game. I don't think I have ever seen the table so denuded of troops at the end of a game..a bloody affair!

    1. It lasted much longer than I thought it would be at lunch time - I thought the western brigades would not even make it to the fighting line. Yes JL sacrificed himself bravely again.

  4. Great looking game and it seems like a very fluid battle. I can't believe it is April this week, and our Monday night group hasn't started up yet although our Ancients group had our third game of the year on Saturday.

    1. It was a grand game with lots of players. There were 10 in attendance with 9 playing and me umpiring. That was our third game for the year too, the last was in early February, but it seems such an age ago.

  5. Marvellous stuff Mark...
    Ten people... playing a game around the same table...
    Unheard of...😁
    You lucky things...

    All the best. Aly

    1. It was a great day. Hopefully you will be gaming again soon.

  6. Looked like great fun and as usual the collections look amazing. I don't know much at all about the Carlist wars but did they actually have some large numbers of foreign battalions? Just curious...

    1. There were a reasonable number of foreign units: ten battalions of the British Auxiliary Legion, I think six of the French Foreign Legion and a Portuguese Division served there for a while too.

  7. What an opening Mark... Welcome back to real life gaming.
    Excellent looking game on a big scale.... brilliant.

    1. Yes you gamers in the UK must be busting fir face to face gaming...
