
Monday 8 February 2021

Napoleonic Game

On Sunday we played a large Napoleonic game set in 1813. On one side (my side) were three players commanding about 40 battalions (I think 8 of which were Guard) plus 12 cavalry regiments and 11 batteries, representing a Franco-Bavarian force. On the other was a mixed force of Austrians, Russians and Prussians of roughly the same strength.

Our objective was to gain control of one of two roads on the opposite side the table. I never did discover the enemy’s objectives. We chose hold on the left, with the Guard and its supports, against a significant Austrian force and strike on the right with the French line division and the Bavarians against  a combined force of Russians, Austrians and Prussians. The result was two huge scrummages on the flanks and very little happening in the centre. At the end of the game no one really held the tactical advantage, neither had achieved their objectives but the Allies had taken more ground and the umpire ruled in their favour.

Instead of a full description I will simply present a number of images, not necessarily in any sort of order. The only one I will provide any description for is this first one. This is the dice result of a round of firing by a Russian position battery that required anything but a “1”  for a hit an exposed French column. After this shot this poor battery suffered being of swamped by French fire, silenced, recovered, was silenced again, then the gunners were driven off, finally the gunners returned to their guns but failed miserably to cause any serious damage, much to the distress of my opponent to whom I humbly appolgise!

And now the rest of the pictures (a number of which are provided by my opponents) of our very enjoyable day.



  1. It was a very challenging game, and our objectives were your roads.
    Which I promptly forgot as the red mist took hold as I tried to push the Bavarian back off there table edge!

    1. Ah, I see. All we were told is “whatever you do don’t lose control of that wood!”

  2. Aside from the rather shocking Russian battery's die rolls (I've been there so share your pain), what a cracking game to behold and nice to see you are able to enjoy FtF gaming with your friends. Lots of lovely figures on show and it really does have the look of a massed Nappies battle:)

    1. Oh the pain was not mine. I was on the receiving end of that fire, so my delight, his pain!

  3. Magnificent stuff Mark, and I love the opening picture with the two 1s and a 2. We've all been there.

    1. It was certainly a tough fought game. We could hsve gone on another couple of turns probably, but our spouses may have objected.

  4. Mark, what a fine looking game, I am going to keep coming back to these pictures.

    1. Thanks Norm. It looked like a Napoleonic game!

  5. Mark, this is a stunning display of Napoleonic might. The table must have been groaning under the weight you lead. How long is the table?

    1. There were still more we could have brought on...the table measures 4.8m (16’) x 2 m (6’8”).

  6. Awesome, love 11813 themed games, such color!

    1. Yes I always think that 1813 is proper Napoleonic gaming...big armies, large coalitions.

  7. Mark,
    When you said large game, you weren't kidding and it looks like fun was had by all.


    1. Thanks Neil. Hopefully we can make an equally impressive game next time.

  8. Great looking game and nice I was able to be their in spirit - via my Austrian cavalry - if not in person. I hear they died to a man but assisted in Chris's new Austrian infantry overcoming the massed French guard!

    1. Yes the cavalry was sacrificed - I am not sure that the Emperor would be impressed with. In truth the Austrians should have had a harder time of it because we played something wrong and the resultvof that would probably have destroyed two or three of their battalions.

  9. A splendid looking game Mark...

    It’s nice to know I am not alone in having the dice gods against me...

    All the best. Aly

    1. It was splendid...even if we didn’t win outright.

  10. You can't beat a game of Napoleonics. Yes you can; a game of Napoleonics with big battalions!
    Regards, James

    1. Thank you James. It js always nice to play Napoleonics in the grand manner...

  11. Brilliant stuff Mark, how lucky we are to still be able to do this here in NZ at moment! :)

    1. Thanks Mark. i am hoping we can repeat with another big game next week. I agree we are so fortunate, especially as I watch what is happening in Melbourne.
