
Friday 11 December 2020

Confederate Cavalry

The focus on the Great Paraguayan War armies since July has paused work on the American Civil War armies that had dominated hobby activities for the first half of the year. But with the last order I sneaked in a box of cavalry to create these two Confederate cavalry regiments: a small unit and a tiny one.

My earlier experiment using units on single bases has been largely abandoned (except for the tiny units). Since my lead/plastic pile is now flattened I have some time to take the the ACW figures off their temporary bases and fix them permanently. There are still a few dismounted cavalry figures to come to complete this project - probably some time early next year.

I have also been painting a few buildings for a friend. They have been a welcome distraction.


  1. Nice work there with the muted greys and butternut working well. Buildings and terrain in general I always find to make a nice break from painting figures too.

    1. Thanks Steve. Greys and browns are my favourite colours to work with because they are easy to tone up or down and that make the Confederate units an east task for me.

  2. Mark, I think you have become a cavalry man! Your rebs look great and so do your buildings.

    1. Thanks Jonathan. I have managed to get hold of some artist liquid acrylic paint and the Burnt Umber and Raw Sienna tones make wonderful horse makes painting horses sommuch more pleasurable...apart from the tack that is.

  3. Great work Mark. The figure in the middle with the raised pistol looks very serious. Love the buildings to. I wish I found them more relaxing to paint as I have some I'd love to see completed.

    1. I agree...he is a pretty determined chap. I like painting buildings and am able to complete them ver6 quickly. I particularly like wooden structures because there is so much depth and tone that can be applied.

  4. Nice work on both the figures and the buildings Mark....which friend are they for?

    1. Thanks Keith, the buildings are for NA. One more large one to go.

  5. Beautiful buildings and cavalry Mark!

  6. Splendid looking cavalry! Very nice buildings too!
    Best Iain

  7. As Jonathan remarked, you seem to have a constant supply of cavalry to paint!
    These are excellent, just like those who went before them.
    Regards, James

  8. Ah that was just an illusion because I chose to do the Paraguayan War cavalry in one hit! There are no horse soldiers on thr horizon now for some months - maybe a mounted general or two and some rebasing of exiting units, but certainly no new mounted cavalry.
