
Sunday 1 November 2020

Weekend Wrap Up

Our wonderful week of gaming (well a little less for me) has come to an end for another year. I am back at home now over-fed and a little tired.

Below are a few images from the two other games that I participated in. I take pains to mention here that none of the figures shown here are mine. My contribution was a few burned out woods and some ruined buildings. All of the rest was created by the game organiser.

If you check out Keith’s blog ( in the next day or so, I am sure he will have a broader range of images than I have here and will cover the two games I missed.

The WWI on 1918:-

The view across the lake, from the deck, on Friday afternoon, a few moments before the bottle of Calvados was opened -  emptied shortly thereafter.

The Western Gunfight game..just a few shots through the town.

And the planning for next year has commenced.


  1. Thanks for the plug Mark - my first report on Chris's game is on my blog now - the rest will follow at two or three day intervals. Its funny, it seemed like you were not there for a long time but really, you only missed two games out of five....

    1. I saw your first report after I had posted...haven’t read it yet because I fell asleep on the couch! It seemed far too short a time at the lake for me...My dear old departed friend Jim used to say that Tarawera was his Nirvana, and I must say that I feel the same and have ever since we first went down there in 1985. It is probably the only time of the year that I get to really relax (other than in Fiji around the pool with a beer - but that ain't going to happen again for a while). To be able to go to that place AND play with toys simply has to be Nirvana +1.

    2. P.S. An hour back in the office, with 350 emails waiting, I wish I was back there now!

    3. I hear you brother - I had 284...left at 1710 and still over 100 unread - aint modern technology a wonderful thing!

  2. Thanks for some lovely 'photos (I love the WWI planes) and I'm glad you had a great time. Let's hope next year goes ahead without any Covid-19 issues to impact upon the fun.

    1. I just wish it could have been a little longer. It would be nice to think that the issues with COVID will be gone by next year, but I suspect it will flare up in various places for the foreseeable future.

  3. Lovely WW1 game, like the shot of the German infantry in front of the ruins.

    1. Thanks Norm. I made those buildings six years ago and they haven’t been out of the box since. i had forgotten how much detail I put into them.

  4. Mark, the WWI game looks superb as does the photo of the tranquil Old West town. Glad to see that you made it for at least part of the gaming get away. Lovely photo overlooking the lake.

    1. Thank you Jonathan, he did a great job of those games, both the figures and terrain.

  5. They both look like terrific games Mark, and nice to see your terrain make an appearance. I didn't realise this had been a fixture since 1985. That is starting to feel like a long time ago now.

    1. What makes it seem even longer ago is that I have photos from the first event. Four of the original six attended this year and we all looked remarkably young...and I was the youngest by 23 years! The years have just rushed by.

    2. LOL - I was second youngest of the eight attendees - that's not something that happens very often now, at the age of 58!

  6. Wonderful Pic's Mark...and a great distraction from the real world I am sure.

  7. Great looking games, relaxing venue and mates. Brilliant!
    Pleased to hear (via Keith's blog) that your wife is okay.
    Regards, James

    1. Thanks James. Her indoors is stable now thank you but it will be a while be for she is fully up and running.

  8. Thank you sharing your weekend with us. What A great time you have had and a wonderful series of games. Each year you do this sounds better then the last.

    1. Thanks Mark. What can be better than good friends, good food good wine and a bit of gaming thrown in for good measure! I make an effort for this event because we are all getting on in years and I know at some point it will end and I don't want to look back and think of a bad event.

  9. A couple of nice looking games Mark...

    WW1 an excellent choice in my opinion...
    Wild West Gunfight... I find this so so tempting... I’ve actually got some unpainted figures in a drawer...

    All the best. Aly

    1. You would have noticed, of course, a certain familiarity with most of the WWI figures. The gun fighter games are OK but I am not certain they suit games for 7 or 8 players...several players can end up sitting around for a while.
