
Monday 9 November 2020

Argentine Line Cavalry

 Following on from the Brazilian cavalry of a few days ago, here is the first of two Argentine cavalry units. 

The smaller establishment of the Argentine regiments (Paraguayan and Brazilian units had a theoretical establishment of around 600 men whereas the Argentine units counted around 400 men) is the reason that this unit, and the one that will follow, consists of six figures as opposed to the Brazilian and Paraguayan units of nine figures.

Next on the painting table is a Paraguayan militia cavalry unit.


  1. Those are lovely Mark... Looking forward to seeing them on the table.

    1. Thanks Stu. I think it will be some time after February that they will appear on the table for the first time...still have the artillery to do, of which only a couple of Brazilian guns have been released...and there are no mounted officers available yet.

  2. Replies
    1. The next Argentine unit, the lancers, is also going to look good, but I fear for the officer’s raised sword when it get to the gaming table.

  3. More handsome work, Mark! You are amassing a very large cavalry contingent.

    1. Thanks Jonathan. The size of the cavalry contingent is probably make to look large because I decided to do them all in one hit - nine units or 75 figures started in October and probably finished towards the end pf November. The next target is an event bigger batch of 216 foot figures, to complete the infantry.

  4. All these South American nations seem to have been very keen on blue as a uniform colour and also deeply influenced by French military dress fashion....another nice addition to the collection Mark.

    1. Yes it was quite nice to paint red pants on the officer for some variance from blue! What was odd with this batch is that they had no life at all until the red cuffs, collars and pockets were painted.

  5. Top notch cavalry Mark, well done!

  6. Progressing nicely Mark, and these look great. That is a huge target you have set yourself for November, but there must be a certain satisfaction at being able to knock out six or so figures to tick off another cavalry regiment and keep the momentum going.

    1. Actually I have slowed down! My previous rate of work was six foot or three mounted a night, but with the COVID fatigue and a desire to cut back on expenses, I have halved that rate. My schedule shows enough stock on hand to keep me painting until 2 December and then a bit of a gap until new figures arrive. That gap can easily be filled with some basing and a bunch of terrain items.

  7. Fantastic stuff - I'm loving your Paraguayan War collection. Very inspirational (and I hadn't picked up the difference in strengths between the nations' cavalry units).

    Best wishes


    1. Thanks Giles. The variance exists in the infantry as well with the Brazilians having the largest sized battalions, the Paraguayans and Uruguayans mid-sized and the Argentinians the smallest, so my structure is Brazilians 24 figures, Paraguayans and Uruguayans 18 figures and Argentinians 12 figures.

  8. Great looking, colourful cavalry, excellent work as always!
    Best Iain

  9. You have painted some wonderful cavalry units lately, but I like these best of all so far. Fine looking fellows.
    Regards, James

    1. Thanks James. Only three units to complete in this batch of cavalry. There may be a couple more done later, but I am pretty much ‘cavalried’ out for the moment.

  10. Another nice looking unit Mark...
    Blue with red facings never fails... in my opinion.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly. I have just started the second Argentine unit.
