
Sunday 18 October 2020

First Carlist War Game

Today we played our first games as a Group since 9 August. It was great to get together again.

The choice of period was the First Carlist War which I set up with a Carlist force of 21 battalions, six cavalry units plus two field guns and two mountain guns defending a small town in front of which ran a stream. All of the Carlist infantry, except for two small units, were classed as a raw, while the cavalry and artillery were rated trained. Opposing them was a Royalist force of 5 battalions of Royal Guards, 11 of line infantry, 4 battalions of British Legion, 4 battalions of the French Foreign Legion, five cavalry units 2 field guns, 2 mountain guns and two rockets. Of the Royalist force, the guard and French infantry, all the cavalry and artillery were rated trained, while all other troops were rated raw.

The Carlist sought to turn the Royalist right with the cavalry and infantry brigade (my command), while the Royalists decided to hold their right and attack with  the center and left against the Carlist position. 

So what actually happened? Well the Carlist cavalry did gain the Royalist right with some ease, but it took time. Eventually, supported by a brigade of  Carlist infantry, they succeeded in  breaking the French and then were poised to sweep into the Royalist rear. Royalist center tried to take the Carlist centre and made some headway but in then end failed because the collapse of the French freed up units to flank the centre Only on the Royalist left did the Royalist make headway, but the collapse of the troops to their right ended  the battle for them.

I am sure my friend Keith will post a view of the game from his side of the table.

So to my photos:

The Carlist cavalry commence their turning movement 
A brigade of Carlist infantry moves in support
The Royalist centre, the British in the lead, followed by the Royal Guard, advance
The Carlists put pressure on the French
The Carlist artillery in action
The Carlist cavalry sweep around the Royalist flank
The action on the Royalist left (Carlist right)
The Carlist cavalry engages the French...this shot was tajen just after the Polish Lancers were destroyed
The action on the Royalist left continues...complete with a rare “six” rolled by the Royalist player
The French collapsed leaving the centre exposed.
The Royalist on the left put pressure on the Carlists 
The Carlists in the centre press across the stream to engage the weakened Royalists 
My glorious Carlist cavalry
Another shot of my glorious cavalry 
More action on the Royalist Left
The Royalist heavy cavalry advance
The end of the game, only the Royalists on the left remain in action...the rest have quit the field



  1. Thanks for putting this game on Mark - I am sure Rick feels vindicated in his assertion that we had a flawed plan from the outset but I am still not clear why he squeezed all his cavalry into the far left corner of the table, with a forest in front of version is on my blog as your surmised!

    1. Yes it was a good way to spend a lazy Sunday.

  2. Great to have a view from the other side of the table:). What rules did you use by the way?

    1. In truth it wasn’t all from the other side of the table, because I spent a considerable part of the day on Keith’s side of the table trying to get my cavalry around the Royalist’s flank! The rules are homegrown. I have them on the blog, under free stuff, but I need to update the copy there.

  3. Great looking action, Mark! Getting together for a large F2F game with friends must have been very enjoyable. Lovely in battle photos.

    1. Very enjoyable indeed Jonathan. What is better is that our annual gaming week away is only eight days distant. I am sure it will be more important to us all than ever in this ‘annus horribilis‘.

    2. I am very jealous of your upcoming wargaming week.

    3. I shall have to post some pictures to make you feel included...I wish we were heading off tomorrow...instead I have three tedious meeting scheduled.

  4. Great to see a group game, and such a good looking one at that. Photos and captions were well done, a good rendition of what went on....

    1. It was great to play a group game...may there be many more!

  5. Excellent collection and attractive game.

    1. Thanks Brian. It is a really fun period - late Napoleonic really and lots of colourful uniforms and I can use my Napoleonic Spanish limbers for the guns too.

  6. Great looking game Mark, I really wished I could of made it!
    Those yellow coats really popped of both sides.

    1. Yeah I like those Royalist heavy cavalry...mind you you would have seen a good number of yellow jerseys where you were yesterday or should I say “green and gold” jerseys. Your game was good to watch too.

  7. Lovely looking game, splendid figures and terrain! Nice just to see a ftf game somewhere!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. Indeed it was good ti get together. I hope your lockdowns aren't affecting you too severely.

  8. A face to face game.... and it’s Carlist War...

    Of course I’m not jealous....

    Not even a little bit....


    All the best. Aly

    1. And it was a big game too. I have an even bigger one planned next week if all goes well and in another era that is near to your heart - Crimean War...

  9. I have just finished reading Keith;s report, and your cavalry in the rear was a serious outflanking manoeuvre. Did that detract much from the Royalist brigade morale throws? Nice to see COVID continuing to be held at bay and Tarawera going ahead. We have been back gaming on most Mondays and at least one Saturday per month for the past three months and life feels like it is almost back to normal, although I will no doubt find it a bit strange when I am next able to hop on a plane and actually go somewhere.

    1. No the brigade morale failed because in the fighting to their front more than 50% of the brigade was destroyed or shaken. We are still crossing fingers for Tarawera...I fear it would only take one cluster outbreak to shift us up an alert level and scuttle our plans! I must admit it was odd getting on that flight to Nelson last month...but I guess will seem less odd soon now that the domestic flight volumes are getting back up there. I would love to get back to Queensland some time soon...the last time was way back in 2007!

    2. Well, we will have to have dinner and a glass or two when you do.

    3. What a fabulous idea...we just need that trans-Tasman travel bubble to open up...and stay open.

  10. Lovely to see more photos of this fine looking game (having seen Keith's post first, as it happened). Such beautiful figures/units.
    Regards, James

  11. I've just seen this, Mark - a wonderful-looking game with, importantly, plenty of space for maneouvure. It's a great period - I've just finished painting some more Carlist infantry and those yellow-coated Isabelino cavalry.

    All the best


    1. Thanks Giles. I love those yellow cavalry…to the point that I would love to do some more, but I really can’t justify it!
