
Sunday 23 August 2020

South American Church- Part 3

 In the first part of this installment I worked on the arched panels that will form the arcades on either side of the model. To keep some continuity with the bell tower I glued two strips of card at the top of the piece - a 5mm and 3mm strip.

The whole face was then textured.

Then the pieces were glued in place.

Next the bell tower surface was textured.

Everything was then left to dry.

Next I worked the ends of the of the building, the front first. Again I used the strips of card to provide some decoration. I framed the windows and installed a door made from plasticard. The arch above the door and the cross were made from Greenstuff. Unable to work my usual modelling paste into the panels above and below the windows and in the space around the cross I achieved texture by brushing in some PVA glue in the spaces and sprinkled in some fine sand over it. 

On the opposite end I framed up a three pane window from Greenstuff and added two doors made from plasticard.

When all this is dry I will be able to apply the last bit of surface texture.


  1. Thanks for showcasing the progress. Impressive planning and execution.

    1. Thanks. The basic structure is complete now - just the roof to go.

  2. This is great work Mark. I have spent an hour or more effing around trying to work out how to add the top of a chimney to the roof of my bastle house, I suspect you would have had it worked out in five minutes - very frustrating for we lesser mortals!

    1. Chimneys are the worst part of model building making - even more difficult if you are doing removable roofs.

    2. Yes, I have managed to work that part out for myself!

  3. Nice progress and still love to see scratch built scenery being made:).

    1. The last pieces of the puzzle are coming together now. I should be able to show the completed model Tuesday or Wednesday.

  4. This is looking good, and the plasticard doors really look the part.

    1. Plasticard is a wonderful medium for this kind of work. I should use it more.

  5. You make great progress and it is coming together quickly. I’m like Keith above lamenting my mere mortal status when compared against the Building God. The church is looking super.

    1. It is actually coming together quicker than I thought - in part because of the lockdown and in part because of the wet and windy weather that stops me from working outside.

  6. This is coming along nicely Mark...
    It’s nice to see someone working in cardboard...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Cardboard is my preferred material - it doesn’t require any special tooling and I have a significant free supply of it and that appeals to my distant Scottish heritage.

  7. Great work Mark, looking forward to see how the steps take shape.
    Best wishes

    1. Thanks Stu. I had hoped to have it all finished this last night, but the colder, wet weather has slowed the glue drying time.
