
Thursday 13 August 2020

Here we go again...

Well after 102 days of no community transmission In New Zealand this insidious virus that is damaging our world has struck again and we are back in lockdown...well to be precise the metropolitan area of Auckland is in lockdown while the rest of the country is under a lesser restriction. It is all a bit depressing really - at least the sun is shining today.

So it is back to working from home, queueing at the supermarket and the stupidity of panic buying.

On the painting front I have completed another Paraguayan infantry unit, number three so far.

And to close out the post here is a batch of photos taken at out last game (on Sunday). Keith at Bydand blog has written a full AAR here so I shall just post some add a few extra images, in no particular order.


  1. No new cases in 102 days? That is an amazing statistic and well-executed by your government. Equally incredulous is a lockdown after one new case. The county of about half-a-million population in which I live had about 50 new cases yesterday alone. Sigh.

    Your Paraguayans are fab and this is such a colorful an interesting period.

    1. We have had cases, all of which were citizens returning home, but they are controlled through the managed isolation and quarantine protocols, but we did eliminate the thing in the community for 102 days. I hope we can contain this new cluster quickly, not the least because we have booked a getaway down country next month and had to pay all the accommodation in advance!

  2. Great news for your hobby though. Painting on the bright side.

    1. My concern now is stock is low.

    2. constalation hobbies was doing contactless collections last lockdown , drop them a line

    3. Thanks Bruce...Mighty Ape to the rescue!

  3. Fingers crossed it is contained quickly, the source traced etc. From reading the news here in the UK it sounds as if they're doing everything they can. As for panic buying, it beggars belief!

    On a more cheery note, another lovely unit and the game looked great.

    1. Fingers, toes, everything crossed! Yes the game was a lot of fun. Hopefully we can get through this thing quickly and we can get back gaming.

  4. Lovely job on the Paraguayans Mark, and a great looking game. I mentioned one Keith's blog I remember getting thumped by Barry's Bavarians in around 1979. Bad news with the lockdown. We had our close brush in Queensland two weeks ago when three girls lied about having been in Melbourne and were running around town, but there were only two cases of transmission with tens of thousands lining up for tests. That was twenty days ago now and I still can't believe we have got away with it (although I won't be surprised if there are some cases still lurking), but remember the "here we go again" feeling. I just hope they have caught it in time over there, and they certainly didn't muck around with it.

    1. Those Bavarians have fought more campaigns than the original army did. Yes i read about the issue of the three from Melbourne. The queues for testing here are huge...some people report waiting up to seven hours.

  5. Hi Mark,
    These are hard and strange times- very stressful indeed - we'll keep our fingers crossed for you guys there in NZ. We hope that sometime in the future we can re-visit NZ again by cruiseship- though when that'l be available is any ones guess- we havn't left town (Campbelltown) for six months and we are still in some sort of semi-lockdown- with Face Masks- things are bad here in New South Wales but nothing like Victoria who are really struggling with the virus. I like your new Regiment - and the great Napoleonic Game featuring 25mm Minifigs. Best Wishes. KEV. (Sydney- Australia).

    1. Thank Kev It is certainly the weirdest time that I can recall. I feel for the Victorians. Things will get worse here before they get better, but hopefully we can knock it on the head quickly and return to the semblance of normality we had before Tuesday night. Meanwhile there are still figures to paint and terrain to make.

  6. Mad times Mark.
    Glad to see the production line is still churning out wonderful painted figures :-)

    1. Thanks Stu. I am having to pace myself though so that I do not outstrip the lead supply...although other projects are available to keep me busy.

  7. Very nice looking South American troops Mark and the pictures of our game are better than most of mine, the advantage of using areal camera rather than a phone I guess

    1. And yet all my photos are taken on a phone too...the difference between manufacturers I guess.

  8. Another lovely looking unit Mark...
    I am still managing to resist the temptation...but I do know that I will probably paint some Paraguayan War figures in the future...
    That did indeed look like a good game... I approve of the high level of shininess...
    I think that the New Zealand government has been a shining example on how to deal with Covid and I am sure you will be getting back to normal before the rest of us...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly. Many of those shiny figures belonged to a dear departed friend and date back to the 1960s and 1970s, a time when the finer details meant little, which is why his collection had five battalions of Pavloski Grenadiers when only two existed. He had a bit of everything Napoleonic - French, Russian, Austrian, Poles, bits of every German state - war with him was always a matter of alliance.

      I think we are all hoping that this current Covid thing is just a blip for us - at least the weekend has been gloriously sunny...we just can’t go anywhere!
