
Saturday 25 July 2020

A Return to South America

Last Saturday the postman delivered two boxes of figures, my first figure purchase since March. Thirty-three packets of infantry figures, each of six figures, so 198 figures in all. 

In normal circumstances I would say that that would take me about four and a half weeks to complete - at my standard rate of work. But I am going to need to stretch these out a little longer because for a variety of reasons I don’t want to place another order until until late-August and given the state of international post services I can’t expect delivery until mid-September.

This shipment contains enough figures to complete fourteen infantry battalions from the Great Paraguayan War. In detail that is six Paraguayan, two Brazilian and six Argentine units.

The first off the painting tray are two units of Paraguayan infantry that have been languishing in an incomplete state since early-March - incomplete because I did not get the mix of figures right and found myself short of numbers to form the battalions.

The first unit 

As with the two battalions of Argentinians that I completed back in March I have based these as a single stand.

The second unit

 Next up will be the completion of another two Argentinian battalions that suffered from the same confusion about figure mix as the Paraguayans.


  1. Great stuff! This will be such a colorful and interesting project. So tempting.

    1. The next two Argentine units are on the painting table now. Lots of colour there!

  2. Nice work on these Mark, and that pile should hopefully be enough to keep you going for a while. I'm finding international orders are taking around six weeks, but I got some stuff from Italy that took only two which I thought was fairly good.

    1. I have cut the painting rate to half so the time between orders will increase...kind of necessary in the current environment.

  3. Excellent looking Paraguayans. That is a fascinating and hard fought war. The plucky Paraguayans almost literally fought to the last man.

    1. It certainly is an interesting war...not quite sure how to game it yet though.

  4. Lovely looking troops Mark...
    It is such a colourful period... I find myself surrounded by more and more temptations every day... Hurrah!

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly. And I guess you need all the colour you can get in your part of the world right now.

  5. Great looking figures Mark... with all that spare non painting time, you will be able to start researching and building appropriate S American terrain!

    1. Funny you should say that...images have been downloaded, plans drawn and materials are being gathered...!

  6. Hello Mark, nice job! I would like to share with you the fanpage of the book Borders of Blood, a system of rules of my own focused on the Trilice Alliance War and recently published by Caliver Books. Take Care!

    1. Thanks. I will plan have the collection completed by the end of August...not that there is much to do now apart from the artillery, some generals and maybe some Uruguayans. I will have a look at the page in the next week or so...time is short at present.
