
Thursday 23 April 2020

Still More ACW Figures

With nothing else in the lead/plastic pile to paint here are two more ACW units.

A Confederate regiment...

And a Union regiment...

And then there is a repeat of a previous post, well not quite a repeat, but these two Argentine battalions for the Great Paraguayan War had to be rebased because their cardboard bases curled up severely. They now stand anchored to some more sturdy plastic bases.

I really want the lockdown to end soon so that more stock (with a bit more variety) can be ordered.


  1. More nice work Mark. Will you return to the office when we go to level 3 or will you still be working from home? I am planning on the latter.

    1. Thanks Keith. No I will be at home in level 3. Even at Level 2 it is likely to be half the time at home. Maybe by 30 May we will be back to something near normal...whatever normal is gong to be.

  2. Yes, apparently the cavalry is on its way for the Paraguayan War! Nice units Mark.

    1. And a whole bunch of new Paraguayan infantry too. I actually do have another 12 Argentine infantry, but not any command. I may have to work on these to get some variety.

  3. SUperb looking units...Once again impressive Argentine battalions, so tempting!

    1. Thanks Phil. Go know you really want to collect those Paraguayan figures!

  4. Nice figures, especially the Argentines. Seeing them painted up I'm thinking they'd do perfectly for French line for Mexico.

    1. You are right they are close. Perhaps the packs and equipment is different.

  5. Very nice indeed Mark...
    You’ve got a nice bit of colour into those Confederates...
    So... for once there is a bit of an advantage in being a slow painter...😁...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly. One of the things I like about painting Confederate is the motley appearance, but I get a bit bored working with tones of gray and brown. So adding some colourful blanket rolls takes some of the tedium out of it.

  6. Nice work, and annoying that you had to rebase but the Argentinians have come up nicely as well. Has the mail delivery been halted in New Zealand? Ours is still getting through, and the social distancing doesn't appear to have slowed the arrival of bills at least.

    1. The rebasing was not too tedious thankfully. Yes NZ Post is still operating. Several years ago they cut delivery services back to three days a week and they run around in little electric vehicles. I would expect that any international parcel post is slow though, one because the number of flights here has dropped and two because all parcels have to pass through Customs, who will working under social distancing rules.

  7. Nice American civil war units and the Argentinians make a nice change!
    Best Iain

    1. I just wish there were more Argentinians to paint. Under my original plan there would have been six battalions by now, but best laid plans...

  8. Nice, plenty of character ‘painted into’ the ACW units.

  9. Excellent work, Mark! I enjoy seeing your Argentinians in an encore performance. This may be one of my favorites from your vast collections. Rummaging through my pile of figures, I found 24 28mm ACW Federal infantry. I plan to push them into the painting queue and be done with my Federal brigade.

    1. Thanks Jonathan. It great to have a discovery in the lead pile. Looking through my spares I found a few sprues with French Napoleonic and British AWI infantry on them, not enough for a unit, but maybe a temporary diversion.

  10. Fantastic stuff Mark.
    Agreed on new deliveries although I am managing to clear older stuff.

    1. Thanks Stu. I may have to switch to some terrain for some variety - problem is raw materials. Hopefully I can restock if a local online supplier is able to operate in the relaxed lockdown from next Tuesday.
