
Monday 9 March 2020

Crimean War Chasseurs d’Afrique - Part Two

Over the weekend I developed a sore tooth that flared up last night. A couple of pain killers knocked it back and all felt good until about 10:00 am this morning when the pain got worse and worse. A trip to the dentist determined that an abscess was the problem. One hour later the root canal was completed and the pain in my mouth was gone, although the pain in the wallet persists.

The upside of the experience is that I was home early and able to finish the basing work on the refurbished second regiment of Crimean War Chasseurs d’Afrique. The regiment contains three new figures that were painted over the weekend.

A regiment of cuirassiers is waiting for three new troopers and a full refurbishment on the painting tray.


  1. Sorry to read of your dental problem but glad to see it resolved. Chasseur d’Afrique troops look great.

    1. Yes all resolved and I had an afternoon to myself. I do like these chasseurs.

  2. Very nice work on the African Hunters Mark ....and at least you don't have to self isolate for fourteen days!

    1. In a way I wouldn’t mind 14 days in long as it was without work phones and email. I seem to have done nothing for the last week but react to the changing landscape of COVID-19.

  3. Lovely work and they look terrific. Sorry to hear about the tooth, and I can identify with the wallet pain after a visit to the hospital ourselves over the weekend. We are essentially forced to have private health insurance above a certain income level in Australia but, even after paying thousands in premiums each year we are still stuck with substantial gap payments each time we actually want to use it. Imagine how much you could get painted with a fourteen-day isolation period though, if you weren't actually sick.

    1. I have just been through my inbox for the last two days - that is around 100 items - and just under half have a COVID-19 subject line, so I think I could handle 14 days isolation, without the sickness as you say, and that would be 84 foot figures.

  4. Nicely done Mark...
    Those are some venerable old toys... I think that they were first made in the early eighties...

    All the best. Aly

    1. I remember buying two regiments way back then...and sold them along with my entire Franco-Prussian War collection a few years later to pay some debts! It is nice to have them back in my collection again as they are my favorites amongst the French cavalry of the time.

  5. Great work - what a neat unit.

    1. It certainly is. Pale blue and red are a wonderful mix.
