
Tuesday 21 January 2020

Crimean War Turks

Ever since I had the idea of collecting for the Crimean War I wanted to do a small supporting force of Turks. The only manufacturer of Crimean War Turks is Wargames Foundry but their pricing has always made me hold off until they have their annual sale. For 2017 and 2018 I missed the sale, but for 2019 I was able to take advantage and bought enough for four battalions and a couple of gun sets.

Here is the first battalion.


  1. Excellent. A perfect addition to support your allies.

    1. Thanks Nathan. I haven’t painted Foundry figures for a long time...its a bit like catching up with lld friends!

  2. Very nice Mark...I am pleased you finally managed to take advantage of the foundry sale....must have been a good one to make them affordable! I acknowledge their figures are pretty good but they are far too expensive in my opinion.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Jonathan, and their simple uniform makes them quick to paint too.

  4. Lovely toys Mark...
    The Turks are really something I must do ... if I ever get my sculpting mojo back...
    There is quite a variety of different uniforms... the Foundry one probably the simplest of all.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Yes you must do the Turks!

      There is a lot of potential to use them in the provinces of Wallacia and Moldavia and in the East around Kars. There were quite decent sized campaigns fought there, but there isn’t a lot published in English about them.

  5. Great job, and Foundry figures more than hold their own. I normally wait for the pre-Christmas sale if I need any bits an pieces, and the free postage for orders over one hundred pounds makes them more attractive (although it was eighty the last time ordered).

    1. I am really enjoying these. The faces are wonderfully eastern and a joy to work with. The only negative is the lack of variety within the pose.

  6. Love the figures! I want to add a small Turkish force to my Crimean war collection, but it is always on a back burner. I will have to keep watch for the Foundry sale. Thank you for posting this.

    1. Thanks Mark, they are lovely figures, but quite small by today’s standard. If you want to get some inspiration for a Turkish Army see if you can find a copy of “ The Ottoman Crimean War (1853–1856)” By Candan Badem. It takes the Crimean War beyond the Crimea.

  7. Lovely looking Turkish troops! Some of their ranges (ecw and Italian wars for instance) are fine but I bought some dark age figures and they are proper 25mm figures, very nice though!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. i will finish the second battalion tonight. They are small compared the Great War figures that make up the bulk of my Crimean armies, but since they will be a force in their own right , I doubt the size difference will be too obvious.

  8. Looking good Mark, early foundry are great, the later stuff less so.
    I am looking their ancient stuff very nice when compared to some of the others like Warlord that are a little thin in comparison.

    1. Thanks Stu. I really like the expressions on the faces.
