
Sunday 22 December 2019

Last Game of the Year

The final game of the year, the 25th game for the year, was a western gunfight game using the Gunfighters Ball rules.

The game involved two gangs, the Taylor Gang and the Dry Gulch Gang raiding the town of Doomsday where Wyatt Earp and his lawmakers waited.

After a bloody fight the forces of lawlessness won, with the Earps and Doc Holiday meeting their maker.

So to some pictures...

And some of the characters:

Mysterious Dave

Doc Holiday

Old Man Taylor

California Kate

We played for four or five hour and enjoyed a glass or two of rosé on a sunny (albeit cool) day.


  1. Superb, very atmospheric pictures, love the second one...and the last one...Awesome!

    1. Thank you Phil. Sadly the last image is a little bit washed out and the picture doesn’t do her justice.

  2. Now this is cool! I have not had my Wild West collection out on the table in more years than I can remember.

    1. Although I cannot take credit for anything that was on the table. Everything on the table, figures, buildings snd vehicles were the work of another in the group.

  3. Now that looked like a fun encounter.

    1. It certainly kept eight of us happily engaged for a few hours while the hordes surged through the shopping malls!

  4. Sound like a fun way to end a year’s gaming. One of our group is a big fan a Dead Man’s Hand and I keep waiting for him to bring his collection out to put on a game.

    1. It was indeed a nice way to end the gaming year. I have no real desire to collect, but happy to play. Hope the excessive heat is not affecting you too much up in Brisbane.

    2. Things have cooled down quite dramatically. We are even looking at the possibility of a twenty-seven degree Christmas Day. I wish I had bought that turkey after all.

    3. It has been quite cool here, with a cold SW wind in the afternoon and evening. Actually had to put a sweatshirt on to cook the BBQ yesterday.

  5. Some nice images Mark. It was a great game probably aided by the fact I managed to preserve a couple of my characters and survive to the end of the game , but man, was it ever a bloody affair! I am still a bit upset Judge Norris wouldn't let me deploy my gun slingerettes but he has assured me they may be included in future scenarios...might just have to add a few more 'ladies' courtesy of Knuckleduster and Black Scorpion!
