
Tuesday 3 December 2019

And Now For Something Completely Different

After all of the Napoleonic and other 19th Century items completed in the last couple of years, I have shifted forward a hundred or so years to 1940.

A couple of others in the group have collections of 28mm WWII, focussing on the early Blitzkrieg period. Now I am not a huge fan of WWII gaming - much of it is too technical for my simple brain - but if I sm going to do this war the it us going to be this early period, specifically the Battle of France. So since one of these players has a reasonable sized French (which would have been my first preference) I decided to do a small German force and since the early version of the Hanomag half-track has always been a favourite of mine, I decided to do a Panzer Grenadier platoon, supported by a Panzer II, an HMG team and a heavy mortar team. In due course I will add a couple more tanks for variation (maybe a 38t and a Pz III) and perhaps an infantry gun.

But for now here are the three Hanomags and the PzII.


  1. Something completely different, for sure! Your vehicles look terrific. Who makes the models?

    1. Thanks Jonathan. They were fun to do. They are all Warlord Games of my Black Friday purchases.

  2. Terrific work on these Mark, and you have done the weathering perfectly. It looks very natural where some others can look as though they have just driven through a hailstorm. Did you use pigments, or dry brush?

    1. The weathering is all by dry brush, although some if the corrosion spots are just using a stippled brush. I have started the assembly of the infantry and will work on them while I finish off the Bavarians.

  3. Nice change of pace! Weathering is excellent!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. I enjoy weathering, but hate waterslide decals with a passion!

  4. Well you don't waist much time do you? ;-)

    Lovely looking toys... and I am with you on a preference for early WW2...

    All the best Aly

    1. Waste maybe on a hot day when the ale is cold, or late on a Saturday night and there is good company, good wine and the problems of the world are ready to be solved...but many would say that is not a waste of time.

      With WWII I can't stand slogging through the fortress of Tiger tanks. The early war, where the equipment is more basic, there is much more opportunity for mistakes and muddling through.
