
Friday 25 October 2019

AWI British Infantry Completed

The last three battalions of my AWI contingent have moved off the basing table this week. Top to bottom they are the 27th 4th and 54th regiments.

They were not all painted this week, but have been sitting about waiting for their bases to be prepared.

And so a brief parade of all six battalions. All figures are the Perry plastics, flags by GMB.

All that is needed to complete this mini-project is a set of three mounted officer, a field gun and a limber. These are scheduled for a December arrival.

Also completed are 12 casualty figures (2 for each of the regiments). I am not quite sure how I will use these yet, but I am sure I will figure something out.

Next up is a bunch of Bavarian line infantry – the boys in blue


  1. Without photos, it didn’t happen!

    1. Oops. That should still be in draft! You can see that I have had a distracting day! I will update tomorrow with the images...

    2. This is more like it! Excellent looking troops!

    3. All in can say is that yesterday was a difficult day... and why oh why did the person who developed the Blogger publishing tool put the “Publish” button right next to “Save”!

  2. Terrific work, and the GMB flags look great. Ha e you ever had any issues with them fading over time though?

    1. In truth these are the first GMB flags I have used. I am a cheapskate when it comes to flags either using something from the internet or drawing them up myself (computer graphics being my background and having access to a good quality colour laser printer), but for this project I decided to push the boat out.

  3. Lovely looking troops, nice flags and useful casualties!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain...still figuring out how to use the casualties...
