
Sunday 11 August 2019

Finishing off a few items

This week’s activity has been about finishing off a few units that have been on the table for a while.

First up is the 60th Rifles for the Peninsular British army. The rank and file for this unit were completed weeks ago, but the command for the unit were only received this week. So here is the whole battalion...

...and then in the smaller groups as they will most likely appear on the games table.

Also worked on during the week is another batch of figures from the ACW refurbishment.  One infantry unit and a couple of gun models.


  1. Replies
    1. Indeed they are Dixon. I am just touching these up, but I think I would struggle to work with these from scratch as many of them are too much of a cartoonish for my liking - big heads, big hands and some weirdly twisted poses. They were great for their time, but for me the haven't stood the test of time.

  2. Nice work. I appreciate the comments on the Dixon castings style....but when first produced the variety of poses was appreciated.

    1. I completely agree about the variety of poses. When they came out - it must have been in the early 90’s - they were unsurpassed for variety and like many I adored them for it. They really set a trend for variety.

  3. Great looking rifles and smart bit of refurbing!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. Just three of four more refurbs to go now.

  4. Lovely Mark...
    The 60th are one of my favourite British units...they may be a bit less fashionable but I prefer them to the 95th...
    Some venerable Dixon’s there... they must be getting on for 30 years old... design wise.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly. I concur the 60th deserves more attention than it gets. I suspect that some of those Dixon’s are actually getting on for 30 years old too - the group got really excited when they were first released and bought up large.

  5. Great work Mark and that green for the rifles looks very effective. Dark enough but you can still tell it’s green.

    1. Thanks Lawrence. I just used GW Caliban Green, toned down with a wash of Aly’s Brown Liquid. I am about to try my first unit with the new contrast colours and my tests with the Dark Angels Green would provide an excellent rifles green...of course after I have completed the last unit of rifles unit I will ever paint!

  6. Nice work Mark. The rifles look a bit densely packed for "open order"! My Scottish meanest inspires me to buy and paint fewer troops for these units ...units of twelve rather than eighteen are the order of the day....and I even have a historically based reasoning to support being tight!

    1. Yes I know they are dense. Two things made me base like this; first, four or less to a stand looked too sparse - and you know me it is all about the visuals; second, I have painted 24 of the damned figures and even with five to base I now have four left over! When are you going to get that PC of yours fixed? Five weeks since your last post now...!

  7. The basing on the ACW really shows them off well - and I agree with Aly regarding the 60th!

    1. Thanks Nathan. I was pleased to do the 60th - always thought the 95th was overhyped.
