
Sunday 23 June 2019

20th Light Dragoons

The week has been a disrupted one...disrupted by wedding anniversary and birthday celebrations that  have impacted on productivity. So much so that only this one unit, the 20th Light Dragoons, has been completed.

I chose this regiment because it was one of the longest serving light dragoons regiments to serve in the a Peninsula, starting its service in 1808 and ending service in 1813, although it did spend Some time during that period in Sicily. As usual the figures are Perry plastics.

These figures do not represent my entire productivity for the week. The other part of the week’s work has been a fairly large terrain piece that will be completed tomorrow and I will probably post something about it on Tuesday.


  1. I saw your post count had moved from 44 to 45 Mark and expected to be reading a report on todays AWI game...! Nice unit of Light Dragoons nonetheless..

    1. I only took a few photos so I am not sure if there are enough to support a battle report.

  2. Fine work, Mark! The 20th LDs are in my British Peninsular War army as well. Completing a dozen cavalry for the week is quite respectable output in my book.

    1. Thanks Jonathan. I can usually complete around double this output in a week, but I lost three painting nights due to social activities. Mind you I shouldn't complains ince I ownly have a small number of figures left in the lead/plastic pile and no possibility of a restock until August.

  3. Happy birthday (if it was yours) and wedding anniversary. Another fine addition, and still not bad output for a week.

    1. Yes it was me...another year gone. Only two more British units to go...well for now anyway.

  4. Another lovely looking unit Mark... and one of my favourite British cavalry uniforms...
    And happy birthday sir...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly. I agree it is a great cavalry uniform...yes another year older but another day nearer to retirement!

  5. Another lovely cavalry unit, and happy birthday!
    Best Iain
