
Saturday 20 April 2019

French Chasseurs à Cheval

As mentioned in my last post, here is the 16th Regiment Chasseurs à Cheval, made up from left overs.

Completed at the same time are two more left over chasseur figures that will serve as ADCs or couriers, this time from the 7th regiment.

Finally, I have rebased a unit of Prussian Napoleonic uhlans. There were based on an old basing system of two figures in a 40mm x 40mm base. This doesn’t match to my newer system of three figures on a 60mm x 60mm base. While the per figure frontage is the same, the additional depth protects the figures better. Since this is the only Prussian cavalry unit not on the new bases, it was time to rebase.

So this is the before shot...

...and this the after.


  1. Nice job on these cavalry Mark - I particularly like the Elite Company Chausseurs in the bearskin colpacks! Chris claimed the other day that you had rebased all your Prussians but I was sure they were on the old 30mm x 40mm for infantry bases....seems I was in error!

    1. No you are right. The infantry is still on the smaller bases. Only the cavalry has been rebased. I MAY rebase the infantry one day when I have nothing better to do, but they will be quite a hassle to do.

  2. very nice, I do like the 3 cavalry to 60mm look and function.

    1. Thanks Norm. I prefer a 50mm frontage, but that puts me out of sync with the bulk of the armies in our group, so 60mm is the next best.

  3. Mark, your latest chasseurs are superb. As for rebasing cavalry, well, I am a convert! I have one unit of Vistula Legion lancers left to rebase from two figures to three for my 28mm Napoleonics project.

    1. Thank you Jonathan. I think the Prussian uhlans are the last to be changed to the new basing.

  4. Great looking chasseurs! Nice work on your Prussian rebasing too!
    Best Iain

  5. Nice cavalry units. Great use of leftovers. The Prussians look great remounted. I had not considered a longer base... works really well to protect lances....hmmmm.

    1. Wargames hores have grown in size in recent year and I was finding it increasingly difficult to fit them on the shallower bases, particularly when they were positioned two ranks deep...noses always seemed to meet flying tails. So the 60mm depth was the sensible solution.

  6. Lovely work on the chasseurs Mark, and the rebased Prussians look great. I know what you mean by scale creep with regard to the horses and the old bases sizes I have been continuing to use really only worked well for Minifigs and their ilk.

    1. Thanks Lawrence. As well as the horses have getting longer they have become wider so with the deeper bases it is possible to stagger the figures slightly so that they will fit on the same frontage.
