
Sunday 28 April 2019

50th Regiment of Foot

Well as the weekend draws to a close another battalion marches off the painting table for service in the Peninsula.

This time it is the 50th Foot.

Painting may slow down for the next few days, and disturb my carefully planned schedule, due to overseas visitors at work. I still plan to have the next battalion ready next weekend.


  1. Super work, Mark! Your sped with the brush is amazing. The regimental flag is gorgeous.

    1. Thank you Jonathan. The flags are simply the Warflag prints.

  2. Another nice job Mark. I assume you are basing these as 3 lots of 6 figures - how are you planning to address the lack of command in the Perry boxes IE there are 36 infantry but only two officers, two ensigns, one drummer and one sergeant - will you (or have you already) purchase additional single command sprues?

    1. I am doing these as four stands of six to match other armies, but leaving the option to drop one stand for games against those armies that I have raised with three stands. I have ordered some additional command sprues to make up the balance. I will also have a unit of rifles as a by-product.

  3. Lovely looking unit of Brits! Sounds like your going to get some more use of your Spanish terrain!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. I think I will need to celebrate with some new Spanish buildings - a windmill and a church are looking like a couple of options.

  4. Such speed and quality! Envious of your program.

  5. Ah! The dirty half hundred...
    Very nice ... I have these for my Drums and Shakos games I love the heavy contrast with the black facings also the black standard is very striking...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly. I like the black facings. I would have preferred to done the 58th because it has a NZ connection, but I am modelling my force on Moore's army and the 58th didn't serve with him.

  6. Great work again Mark. Is that five battalions left to go now.

    1. Yes five to go, but the shedule will slow a bit...I have a software vendor visiting this eight hour session today and I have had a splitting headache since mid-day, so not much painting tonight or tomorrow, or possibly Wednesday.
