
Friday 8 March 2019

Filling in time

While waiting for the restock of the lead pile (a large part of which arrived yesterday, thankfully), I have been working relatively steadily on the game counters that I discussed a few posts ago.

I have become quite familiar with working with the Blue Stuff moulds and Sculpey polymer clay and I have completed about 80 items now. I am not sure that her indoors is overly impressed when I bake them in the oven, but I am pretty impssed with the overall result.

Sculpey is interesting stuff in that it is worked like very soft plasticene, but cures hard and retains the finest sculpted detail without distortion when it heats. I can see the benefit of using this material for more counters and perhaps some other terrain items. 

Next on the painting table are more Spanish Napoleonics.


  1. That is quite a collection. They all look great and almost edible, although I’d prefer these to a box of confectionery any day of the week. I’m looking forward to the next instalment if Spanish.

    1. I guess they could easily be mistaken for a display the window of in a Parisian chocolatier! And that reminds me of a prank I pulled at one place I worked at in the 1980’s (in the days you could have an innocent laugh with work colleagues without being accused of harassment) when I made foam rubber lamingtons in an attempt to get revenge on someone who had tried to get one over on me. They looked so good I was almost tempted to try one, but the real gold was watching the face of a particular individual who bit into one and for a brief moment that absolute look of horror on her face when she didn’t know if she had been pranked or if I had just stuffed up the recipe.

    2. I do miss the 80’s as they were a much more carefree time. I had a business partner who seemed to be permanently stuck there and we could not stop him referring to the women in management meetings as “chicky-babes” right up to his retirement a few years ago. He was genuinely bewildered that anyone could take offence, but used to get away with it because he was one of the nicest people you could meet.

    3. Yes those were the days. I have nothing against respecting others and in inclusiveness, but just think we have taken it all too far.

  2. These look really cool Mark

  3. Lovely and useful counters!
    Best Iain

  4. They look good. Interesting idea that I may need to try myself. Thanks

    1. They were simple to make and were quite fun as well. I am trying to think of other uses.

  5. That sculpey works really well. Another idea to steal...

    1. Yes it was surprisingly successful. In previous instances of using bakable compounds they have either distorted, lost detail or shrunk dramatically, but none of this happened with Sculpey and it sets as hard as ceramic.
