
Monday 24 December 2018

T'was the Night Before Christmas...

...and all around the house the water was dripping...because it has been raining ALL day. I have wisely stayed indoors, away from the malls and other points of gross human congestion and spent the day completing the bases on a number of items.

First is the packed version of the Carlist mountain gun set, plus the ammunition mule that goes with the deployed mountain gun set.

Second is a battalion of Carlist infantry from the Navarre region.

The final item completed today is the second of the Bruno Liebivitz 54mm figures that I bought in Paris inAugust. This time it is a brigadier-trumpeter from the 9th Hussars from the Revolution. He has been sitting on the painting table in a semi completed state for the last couple of months.

As we sit down to dinner on our wet Christmas Eve all that remains is to wish you all a...


  1. And to you Mark.
    Some great output as always.
    Best wishes

  2. Merry Christmas Mark, beautiful job and awesome mules!

  3. Have a very Merry Xmas Mark...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly...although I am starting to get very concerned for is still raining here so I have serious health and safety concerns for anyone stomping around on my roof without appropriate footware and a safety harness looking for a chimney that we don’t have. To make things worse, the lack of sun today means that my solar powered outdoor lights aren’t working and I nearly broke my neck putting them up!

    2. Strangely enough... I spent most of today doing on line health and safety modules...
      It’s not the roof that Santa has to worry about it the potential back injuries that can happen in a constricted space while moving heavy loads... obviously anything coming to your house will contain a ton of lead...

      All the best. Aly

    3. Ah life in the corporate world and the beloved H&S modules and tha cause of death for common sense! It never fails to amaze me how for three and a half million years of human evolution we didn’t have H&S, but now we can’t even stand on a ladder without it. I was equally amazed just the other day with a reminder from the ever friendly H&S team to always ensure maintain two points of contact when using the stairs, when better advice might be don’t stare at your phone when climbing or descending stairs.

      I do sometimes worry that the amount of lead that has moved into my garage might have shifted the center of gravity of the earth and is the root cause of climate change.

    4. Your okay Mark...
      I am doing a good job of counterbalancing things on this side of the planet...

  4. Nicely done, and the perfect way to spend a rainy day. Have a Merry Christmas and I hope it fines up for you.

    1. The worst of the rain is supposed to pass tonight so fingers crossed.

  5. Mark, thanks for a year of showing nice stuff.

  6. Merry Christmas, Mark! Your Carlist figures continue to impress but wow, your hussar is gorgeous!

    1. Thank you Jonathan. All the best to you and your family.

  7. Lovely figures in both scales and merry Christmas!
    Best Iain

  8. Very impressive collection. Merry Christmas to you as well.

    1. Thank you. Hope all goes well for your Christmas.

  9. More excellent additions to the Carlist force Mark - it really was SHIT weather again today - we drove over to in laws mid afternoon and you could barely see through the torrent of rain, and there were small streams running across the motorway and a ponds forming in a multitude of streets around Panmure/Mt Wellington

    1. Tell me about it...i spent a miserable hour cooking the BBQ under the umberella with intermittent drips of water running down my back! Looks like romorrow and Friday will be good though.

  10. A most Merry Christmas to you sir!

    1. And a very Merry Christmas was had too! Of course it all over foe us now and the Boxing Day sale madness is under way!
