
Wednesday 21 November 2018

French 1812-13 Project Completed!

The weekend saw the completion of 1812-1813 project with the basing of the last 30 cavalry figures.

Started just on a year ago this army was intended as a bit of a filler in that it was to be predominantly a plastic army and I would hold a "stock" of plastic figures on hand so that when the lead pile diminished, there was something to work on. 

This batch of figures completes the light cavalry division, with two regiments of chaseurs รก cheval, the 11th...

...and the 12th.

Also completed are four left over chasseurs and two hussars for use as couriers, ADCs and scouts.

And the final tally:

• 17 infantry battalions
• 4 cuirassier regiments
• 2 carabinier regiments
• 4 dragoon regiments, mounted and dismounted
• 2 hussar regiments
• 2 chasseur a cheval regiments
• 2 squadrons of line lancers
• 2 squadrons of dragoons
• 5 field batteries
• 3 light batteries
• 5 horse batteries
• 30 command figures
• 8 couriers, ADCs or scouts.

As I said the whole force was done using plastic figures from the Perrys, Victrix (the field and light batteries) and Warlord Games (the lancers), with the exception of 18 generals, 20 horse gunners and 5 horse guns from the Perry metal range.

In all the figure count is: 505 foot,  224  mounted and 13 guns.

A parade will follow as soon as it can be organised.


  1. Fantastic work, looking forward to seeing everything together Mark!

    1. Thanks Mark. Don't know when that parade will be...the silly season is beginning to encroach on my weekends now.

  2. This has been an impressive effort to follow over the last year. Great looking figures to finish off this project.
    Marvelous work and a terrific project, Mark. Well done! What’s next?

    1. The Spanish are next. Three units are in various stages of completion now and should be completed by the end of the weekend.

  3. Most impressive and beautiful cavalry, what a nice project!

    1. Thanks Phil. I dont think there is a time when you can have too much cavalry.

  4. Well done Mark, I thought I had done well when I painted up just over 300 plastic Napoleonics,clearly Im just playing at it compared to yourself.

    1. Thanks Robbie. Three hundred is not to be sniffed at. I do recall quite a few years ago now, when we were running wargames weekends here I painted 24 battalions of 24 figures each of French Line infantry in six weeks. But that was when I was a single man and my eyesight wasn't shot!

  5. Great looking figures. Glad to see you got what you wanted completed so nicely.

    1. Thank you. I have to admit as I got towards the end of the project I was keen to move on and get going with the next.

  6. Nice cavalry, the Perry chasseurs look great,as do the varied ADCs unfortunately I bought the Warlord ones as the Perry ones weren't out, easy to put together but not as good. Really impressive output in one year, fantastic!
    Best Iain

    1. I agree the Perry Chasseurs are very nice, with lots of options, namy more that the hussars even. It was a bit of a shame that the brigade I chose to do had two regiments with red facings. It would have been nice to get a bit more variety, although there was a small amount of regimental variety in the additional figures.

  7. Splendid... I’m not sure I could glue that many figures together in a year...let alone paint them...

    All the best. Aly

    1. One very pleasing thing about the Perry plastics is that on the whole there are only a few pieces to glue on. The Victrix figures are great, but there are sooooo many parts to glue on.

      I have mentioned it before but I make a point if only assembling as many figures as I am going to paint next. That way I am only every assembling six foot and three mounted figures at a time. To glue up a whole box at a time would send me to the funny farm...faster than I am already going.
