
Monday 22 October 2018

...And on the Buffet today...

The last three days has been the New Zealand Labour Weekend holiday. The weather has been great with warm sunny days and for us it had been a busy time with a significant amount of work around the property - doing all the jobs we have ignored over the winter. So as well as cleaning all the paved areas, spreading 3 cubic metres of garden mulch across all the beds, mowing the lawns and starting the repailing of the back fence, the wargames butterfly wings have also been working overtime and I have flitted between projects completing four new units, one from each of four different projects.

Number one is the 3rd battalion, 33rd RĂ©giment de Ligne.

Number two is the fifth unit of Ottoman infantry. This time I have done most of the figures with either firearms or bows, and largely dressed in black or white, with just a few colours.

Number three is the third sailor drawn limber for the British in Egypt.

Finally, number four is the first of the British artillery sets for either the Peninsular or  War of 1812.

Now these were not all painted over the weekend - bits have been done over the last weeks - it is just that the long weekend has provided the opportunity to finish the basing.


  1. Mark! How did you have any time to work on outdoor chores when you are churning out all of these marvelous indoor works? Your stand of Arabs look like a good variety of a several manufacturers. The variety makes for an interesting stand composition.

    1. I have to admit Saturday was a day of hard work. We started at 8:30 when the mulch was delivered and had it all distributed by 4:30 - a good day's work is good for the soul. The Arabs are all Gripping Beast plastics. the are so many possibilities with the mix and match between the sets. I ws also able to use some zspare bits from other sets to get even greater variety.

  2. Lovely figures and nice basing! The Turks are very anachronistically charming, the French line look like they mean business (as do the British artillery) and the matelots look tired!
    Best Iain

    1. Yes the Turks are a lot of fun. I just have three units to go.

  3. I feel like I just had deja vu. It was a great weekend for getting things done outside. I love that limber towed by naval crew. It's little things like that which make the table come alive during a game.

    1. Thanks Nathan. Another good day for me today - cutting back over-growth from the neighbours property. The place was looking pretty tired after the winter, but with some effort it now looks great.

      Even had time to finish off a unit of Ottoman light cavalry and start the naval crew for the next limber.

  4. A nice collection, and it is great watching these Turks come together. I have been told I have our pavers to pressure hose next weekend as well as some branches to cut back, and the garden mulch is probably three or four weekends away.

    1. I have just finished another unit of Turks and started the second to last...might have them all done before the end of the month.

      I have yet waterblast the pavers - I applied the moss and mould killer on Sunday and will probably need to give it a second go to kill off the small forest that has grown between the pavers before I blast them and redo the pave lock.

  5. Also working on a mass of Napoleonics good job Mark! :)

    1. I have four battalions, two cavalry regiments and six mounted officers to go to finish the French and I will be quite pleased to see the army has been a long project for me. Keen to get started on the Spanish.

  6. Great job on all these Mark - seems we are all on similar pages in our part of the world - a fair part of my weekend was also spent in the garden - although did manage to have our traditional Labour Day neighbourhood BBQ (drinking session) with our neighbours from 12-2200 on the Monday :)

    1. I have this Friday off too, so not only another long weekend, but also a very short week!

  7. Wow ... there is no slowing you down is there....

    Its turning towards winter here... so I will be ignoring the garden even more than I do in summer .

    All the best. Aly

    1. Yes it was a pretty productive weekend...better than the rest of the week.
