
Tuesday 31 July 2018

9e Demi-Brigade de Bataille - the French in Egypt Project Concludes.

Formed here in demi-brigade mass, arranged left to right 1st, 2nd and 3rd Battalions, the 9e Demi-Brigade de Bataille in its scarlet jackets with green facings completes the French in Egypt project in its entirety – the main collection and the expansion.

The figure count for this project is significant - 385 foot figures, 61 mounted, 9 guns and 5 limbers.

And so to the a project plan, well it is pretty much on target, in fact slightly ahead of schedule.


  1. Well done on completing the project ahead of time - although possibly not on budget, as I suspect some scope creep intruded!

    1. Only the unkind would say scope creep. Stretched goal is better...I realised after that first game that we played that 12 battalions was not going to be enough so the expansion was planned, and budgeted. In fact I am a little under budget too because I was able to take advantage of the Perrys post free on orders of £200 or more.

  2. A cracking looking unit. I always thought the Kleber uniforms were great. Well done.

    1. Thanks Robbie. They look good too in that great mass don't they?

  3. Nicely done sir...

    But I don’t believe you... finished indeed ... ha!

    Alan Perry will discover something shiny and new to make for the range ... and a flow chart will be made and metal will be bought and toys will be painted... there is no such thing as finished... or enough (toy soldiers)...

    I think you need a parade....

    All the best. Aly

    1. Marvelous mass effect, Mark! What a terrific way to wind down a project. Are projects really EVER finished?

    2. I think the fighting troops are truly finished. I can't see a need for more than 18 battalions. I will get the camel ambulances eventually (but I rate them more as table decorations). I am quite keen to move on to Alan's new sets - the Spanish.

      A parade will happen eventally but we are heading off on a little adventure shortly, quite close to you actually...well close relatively speaking compared to my current position in the South Pacific where we are about 18,000 kms away from you we will passing through a point just under 200 kms southeast of the leadbelt....although I do have an hour or so on Friday to myself so MAYBE a parade is possible.

    3. You may be right Jonathan...the project always has the capacity to be added to, but I am really bad at going back to projects - cases in point are the Russo-Japanese and Carlist armies that are all in "need" of expansions, but it is just hard to pick up the thread again.

    4. While not in the lead belt, if this is your Sioux Wars tour, that would be relatively close.

    5. Not this time Jonathan. Our time in the US is fleeting, just a transit in fact. The Sioux Wars idea is still there though but no date decided.

  4. How nice to use that word "completed". I'm with you Mark in that I find it difficult to go back once I have applied that label to a project, mainly because I like to forge ahead but also because I am not the best at recording what colours I have used a few years ago. A worthwhile project, and I'm looking forward to the parade.

    1. I must admit I was looking at the Brigade Games LĂ©gion Nautique figures last night that would make an interesting variance to the French in Egypt army...maybe they could be used in some coastal operations elswhere around the Med...along with some of those boats.

  5. Fantastic job on getting this project done Mark, very satisfying :)

  6. More fantastic French, so the end of the project,I love the idea of being under due to spending over£200 with the Perry's!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain. I agree it sounds a little odd, but that 25% freight cost is a killer for us down in Antipodean regions

  7. Fantastic work, you pound out 28mms like I used to for 10mm. I always was tempted to do the Egyptian campaign but so far haven't. But I can live vicariously thru your magnificent efforts.

    1. Thanks Joseph. Excotic troops, exotic, yet simple, make for a great adventure.
