
Monday 4 June 2018

Something a Little Different - a Woodlands Indian Lodge

For use in the same upcoming War of 1812 game as the recently made blockhouse and stockade, I need a woodlands Indian village that will consist of four bark covered lodges and probably a bit of camp clutter.


While there are several nice models on the market from Acheson Designs, I chose to make my own.


To start with I took a piece of 30mm polystyrene foam that came with some piece of flat pack furniture out of which I cut squares of about 50-60mm and then trimmed them into a rough dome.


Then using my favourite epoxy putty the bark was fixed to the exterior of the dome in overlapping panels.

When all the panels were in place (each layer was one evening’s work and then the material was left until the next day to cure) I added branches from trees to the exterior.


Finally I added a base to finish the model.


And here is the painted model. 

One down, three to go. 



  1. No mucking around Mark, nice work and a perfect long weekend weather wise!

    1. In truth this piece has been sitting on the work table for the last couple of weeks, but you are right the grim weather has given me the excuse to get on and finish a few bits and bobs. I made the serious mistake of going out yesterday in the worst of the really does bring out the worst in Auckland drivers.

  2. Beautifully done - a massive transformation and a far better use for polystyrene packing materials than trying to cram it into the recycling bin.

    1. Certainly does. It is a very versatile product for us wargamers.

  3. I'm jealous, fantastic and creative job!

  4. Very nice Mark...

    You definitely have the wargames habit... looking at any packaging as possible building material.
    I believe the hipsters call it ‘Upcycling’

    All the best. Aly

    1. Ah you see I am now of the age when I can look back and say that "when I started out we had to make do with the figures available and make everything else we needed"...and still do...and isn't that the joy of our magnificent I mean hobby?

  5. Your ingenuity and resourcefulness shines through, Mark! Excellent job on the wigwam.

    1. Thank you Jonathan. Its completion was a welcome distraction on a wet and miserable weekend.

  6. Excellent building work as always Mark - did you put the epoxy putty over the twigs from the garden before painting

    1. Thanks Keith. The whole exterior is built from putty. So the branches are just strigs of rolled out epoxy. Now that the current figure stock is all but exhausted I will work on getting the rest of these done.

  7. Nice bit of recycling/scratch building, it's come out really well!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. I have the bit between the teeth for these now so the other three should follow in relatively short order.

  8. Nicely done, it certainly looks the part 👍

  9. That’s very nicely done! Impressive. It’s great that no one else will have anything like it.

    1. Thanks Stew. By the time I am finished the will be four unique items!
