
Saturday 16 June 2018

French 1812 Artillery

With the painting of the last of the French and British in Egypt figures in the lead pile, focus has shifted back to the French 1812-13 project.


The first items here are the artillery. In my games one gun set represents a battery so here are two 12lb one 8 lb batteries. These are destined for the artillery reserve for the collection.


Once again they are from the Victrix plastic set.


The set comes with 15 gunners and since my basing requires only four gunners the three spares will crew one of the remaining two 4lb gun sets that are attached to the infantry brigades. Those 4lb gun models will come early next month.


This batch (and the yet to arrive two 4lb guns) completes the field artillery needed for this army. Still required are another five batteries of horse artillery – one attached to the infantry division and four to the cavalry divisions. The horse artillery is scheduled for a September delivery.


Next up, two regiments French 1812 Dragoons (mounted and dismounted versions).


  1. Outstanding artillery! Your productivity never ceases to amaze.

  2. Thank you Jonathan. The productivity will drop off a little next week with a couple of significant social events in the calendar.

  3. More great work on these Mark. Victrix are really versatile aren't they - an almost endless range of possible poses are achievable using their sets

    1. Yes they make a nice set, but there are sooooo many parts to glue on...

  4. Once again, top notch basing and painting, always a pleasure!

  5. Lovely artillery units, I'm with you as I pushed assembly of my victrix artillery onto the back burner some time ago!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain. My practice with plastics us to only assembe what I am going to paint on the next night. So foe me it is six foot or three mounted. This way I find that the assembly process is not too taxing.

  6. I suspect that by the time I comment on these lovely guns and crew... you will have finished the Dragoons as well... :-)

    All the best. Aly

    1. The truth be known the dragoons were all but completed by the time I posted about the artillery. Then on Saturday night I stayed up to watch the replay of the NZ vs France rugby game and it was such a lacklustre game that I was able to complete the dragoons basing while it was on.

  7. Lovely work on these, and I especially like the colour you have used for the barrels. I find the Foundry bronze I purchased for this purpose is going to be a little light, so will probably just use the Vallejo brass.

    1. I just use the GW Retrobutor Armour with a Nuln Oil wash, finished with a heavy coat of matt varnish.
