
Tuesday 26 June 2018

30e Regiment de Dragons

The last week was a bit disrupted with wedding anniversary and birthday celebrations, so this regiment has taken a little more time. But here it is.

About this time astute readers will be thinking " now hang on a minute, this looks exactly like the post of 17 June titled 28e Dragons: all Perry plastics and with orange facings..." But you would be wrong to think that because while the figures and facings are the same they are in fact two separate units (the key differentiator being that the 30e elite squadron has the bearskin, whereas the 28e have the plumed helmet) and his is an image of the two units side by side.

This completes the four regiments in two brigades that form the 6th Heavy Cavalry Division as it stood at Borodino. Still to come are the command figures and the horse batteries.

Also completed are 16 of the 24 dismounted troopers. Since the remaining eight are yet to arrive, I shall post a few shots of them in a few weeks’ time.


  1. Don't seem to be any images here Mark....??

    1. Now that was odd...the images and a paragraph of text dropped out. And then another four attempts before the images would upload to the server properly...but they are ther niw. So do you have a leave pass for Sunday?

  2. Even more great looking dragoons! Both units together are splendid !
    Best Iain

    1. Yes I am a bit dragooned out at the moment - in the last couple of years I have done one regiment of Prussians dragoons, four of Russians, two French in Egypt, four French 1812, four British, then there is a total of six regiments dismounted! I think some light cavalry next...

  3. Lovely work, and they do look very impressive side-by-side. I particularly like the elite squadron in bearskins.

    1. I can feel a parade coming on...all four regiments passing in review!

  4. Even more dragoony goodness, Mark! Well done!

    1. Thank you Jonathan. The last mounted dragoons for a while! The next unit up is something quite different.
