
Tuesday 1 May 2018

Bits and Pieces

It always happens when the lead/plastic pile starts to dwindle - I turn to all the odds and ends of projects that have been lying around waiting for some free time or I look at some terrain items needed for more distant projects.


So while I await the next batch of British in Egypt figures to arrive (hopefully sometime later this week) I have turned attention to three projects.


First is two squadrons of French line lancers for my French 1812 army. These are to fill out the two cuirassier divisions, each of which had a squadron of lancers attached, presumably for scouting duties and/or support for the horse artillery that was attached to the divisions. The figures are from the Warlord Games plastic range.

Second, and also from the Warlord catalogue, is some farm animals. Regular readers will remember the goat in a previous post that also came from this set. Originally bought because I needed to boost an order to the £20 level with Warlord to get free postage, these cows, sheep, pigs and donkey will be used as decoration in various games. The remaining pieces in the set, a couple of cats a dog some chickens, ducks and geese will be completed at some point and find a home in some farm set.


Third is the first of what will be six buildings for the New Zealand Wars for that I am making my long time gaming friend. He is running a NZ Wars game at our annual week of gaming much later in the year and needs a small Maori settlement. This is the first of what will be six living houses or whares. These are quite simple structures and I should be able to polish these off at the rate of one every couple of days if I stick to it…although the real world is beginning to intrude quite a bit on my hobby life at the moment and may disturb the schedule.


Also under construction is a small blockhouse/stockade and bridge for the American Frontier, also for use in our gaming week, along with some Native American houses. These will form part of my War of 1812 game.


  1. Useful and beautiful animals and house, and awesome lancers!

  2. Choyzz Whare bro'! (I like the Lancers and farm animals too!)

    1. Whare number two finished now. Number three underway.

  3. Nice lancers, useful livestock and good looking terrain!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. A few more little bits like this will roll off the worktable before the end of the week.

  4. A nice variety of mini-projects there. It is always satisfying when you finally scoop up and complete all the bits and pieces.

    1. Yes. A few more of these to go before the next big order arrives from the UK

  5. Splendid lancers, farm animals, and Maori hut. Your productivity is astounding.

    1. Thanks Jonathan. I can see the need for more animals in the future.

    2. The dairy cows are really spot on.

  6. I'm really looking forward to seeing pics of your NZ Wars game. No doubt it will be spectacular!

    1. The game will take place at our annual gaming weekend which will probably be some time in October. All the figures are from Empress so they should look great, but we will have to go a long way to beat your stunning displays, Roly!
