
Friday 20 April 2018

Woodlands Indians

As a bit of a break from the British in Egypt – largely driven by the fact that I have painted all the figures that I have on hand for that project – I have moved on to some Woodland Indians.


I bought these last month when Warlord Games had a 30% off special on them. My main use is for the War of 1812, but secondary uses for the French and Indian War and the American War of Independence are also envisaged.


These are from the Warlord plastic set that they took ownership of when they bought the Wargames Factory ranges. The set consists of three sprues each of 8 bodies, plus a huge variety of arms, heads, headdresses, weapons and pouches. There is more than enough variety to make every figure in the box different. In fact after assembling all 48 figures I don't think one is the same as any other.


When I first unpacked the box I thought the figures looked a little too slender, but once they assemble up they look OK and paint up just fine. My only complaints are that there is no option for a standing firing figure and that the necks on the figures are a little too short - a another half millimetre would have made all the difference.

Nonetheless the paint up easily and here are the first of what will eventually be four units. A fifth unit, utilusing some Front Rank figures painted some twenty years ago, will join the other four when they are re-based.

Readers may remember from my last post that I have set a standard for basing my armies of six infantry figures to a stand and for Napoleonics (into which the War of 1812 can be levered) the base size is 45mm frontage and 40mm depth. From the start I expected to reduce the number of figures on the indians' stands to five, but I quickly found that because of the highly animated poses of the figures that it was impossible to fit more than three figures on the base without them looking ridiculously crammed. The obvious advantage is that the nine and a half stands that would have been possible with five figures to a stand has increased to sixteen stands with three per stand.



  1. Wow! This is a lively bunch! Top brushwork, Mark. Fantastic basing that adds a lot to the scene.

    1. Thanks Jonathan. The set is quite a bitbof fun actually, lots of variety and plenty of animation. I think it will present quite a frightening sight when all five units com howling out of the woods!

  2. Good work! One can't have too many indians.

    1. Thanks. I have all th figures glued up mean feat considering how fiddly the assembly is. Another unit should be finished tomorrow.

  3. Great looking Iroquois..or Huron.. or Mohican, or....whichever Mark! I have always been a fan of the reduced number of figures per base for light troops or irregulars so I think your choice was a good one and I also like the side benefit of fewer troops per unit!

    1. Ironically if I had gone with the metal figures Inhad planned, five would have fitted on the base! Another unit will be done tomorrow.

  4. Those are really nice, Mark, and great painting on them. I'll have to remember them for my French and Indian Wars project if I decide I need some more Indians.

    1. Thanks Nathan. I saw these when they were first released and saw their potential, so when they were on special I simply couldn't resist.

  5. Yeah but they look better more spread lout anyway - so its a win win!¬

    1. More bang for buck...or is the whoop...fits in well with RN's plan for French and Infian War too.

  6. Great brush skills Mark, just been watching a documentary on this period and I must be honest I was quite tempted.

    1. Thanks Stu. They are a lot of fun and cost effective too.

  7. Looking good Mark...

    How do they compare size wise with the Perry’s toys?...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly. They are maybe 1mm taller, but then all of the figures are streching out and highly animated so they don't look out of place. The weapons are very thin though, but probably true to scale, and I don't know how well they will take the knocks of the gaming table.

  8. Lovely looking bunch of irregulars,on of wargames factorys better kits would you say,great finish!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain. Yes I think they are possibly the best of their kits. I did several hundred of their WSS range some years ago and they don't compare in quality or posing.

  9. Great work on these and, as you say, they are a very animated bunch. They really look the part.

    1. Thanks Lawrence. I will finish the last six of the 48 figures in the set tomorrow night and will base them up on ANZAC Day.

  10. Generally not impressed by Warlord figures but these do look very nice, well done Mark!

    1. I have to agree with you, Mark. I have half a dozen Warlord line lancers next on the painting table and they aren't a patch on these. Mind you they are a challenge to assemble with so many bits to glue on.
