
Wednesday 4 April 2018

The Guards...and a Goat

The Easter break has seen the completion of the Guards Brigade for the British in Egypt...and a goat. 

The brigade comprises of two battalions: the 1/Coldstream Regiment of Foot Guards and 1/3rd Regiment of Foot Guards. I have done these with stovepipe shako.

First is the Coldstreams

And then the 3rd Regiment of Foot Guards

And why the goat? 

Well after Lawrence's and Iain's comments about the gaot that is the mascot of the 23rd Foot I felt obligated to make the effort. This piece was on a sprue of farm animals I bought to fill out a recent Warlord Games order and was just crying out to be the 23rd's mascot. There was a temptation to have a before and after model, but I couldn't find the time to make a goat roasting over a fire on a spit.


  1. Great looking troops Mark. The goat needs a cover though - as per the image here

    1. Ah but you see that is him in parade dress, this is him in was too hot in Egypt for full dress.

  2. Very nicely done. A nd a good looking "Billy" for the Welch Fusiliers

    1. Thanks Mark. The goat will, I am sure, have many on table adventures.

  3. Splendid brushwork, Mark! Nice goat too!

    1. The goat was a bit of fun. I needed to make an order to Warlord Games up to £20 so I added a sprue of plastic farm animals to scatter amongst towns and farms in future games.

  4. My lord, they didn't roast and eat their mascot did they????? Gasp.

    On a more serious note, love how this collection is coming along. I wish I could paint as fast and well as you do.

    1. I am sure that they did not eat THE mascot (if one existed in those days), but I am equally sure that there were several adopted mascots rthat made it into a pot or two.

      I have always had the ability to punch through the numbers when it comes to painting. I don't paint brilliantly as some can do - mine is a workman's approach as opposed to a artisan's - but rather go for the overall effect. Having an event as a target also keeps me focussed on the target....OMG That sounded so much like the trainer I had recently for my project planning refresher course...

  5. Lovely work again Mark, and that goat is very special. Like yourself I prefer to model my mascots in campaign dress, and you have done this one proud.

  6. Lovely stuff Mark...
    Here’s hoping that the goat has many adventures... before his fair well dinner ;-)

    All the best. Aly

    1. Cheers Aly. Here's hoping that the goat has as many adventures as your sheep do...hmmm that goat curry at the local Indian restaurant is calling to me...

  7. Lovely looking Guards as always very impressed with your focused approach and task management,I'm halfway through my 108 pike block, deferred gratification apparently! Love the goat he's come out splendidly!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. Sometime I think you can replace the word "focused" with "impatient"! I love to see a project completed.

  8. This was a fun post. I enjoyed it and the comments.
