
Saturday 14 April 2018

The 13th (1st Somersetshire) Regiment of Foot

It has been a bit of trying week. A significant storm hit us on Tuesday night taking out electricity twice in three days (limiting painting time as a result), causing some minor damage to my roof, but major disruption to my days trying to get a reliable tradesman to come and fix it before a fresh storm hit us last night. But it is all resolved now and the painting schedule is back on track with the completion of the 13th Regiment of Foot.

With a history dating back to 1685, this regiment served in the first Jacobite uprisings in Scotland, Ireland, the War of Spanish Succession, the Anglo-Spanish War, the War of Austrian Succession, the “Forty-Five”, in the Carribean during the American Revolution and the early stages of the French Revolution, before being sent to Egypt in 1801, where it served first in Craddock's Brigade then later in Doyle's Brigade.


Shako Plate of 13th Regiment in 1812, with the Egypt honour at the top.

Again I have done this unit is round hats.


This is the ninth infantry unit of this British in Egypt collection and is the last of the infantry units in this batch of figures. Another six units will be ordered towards the end of this month to complete the infantry contingent.


  1. Glad to see you weathered the storm. Beautiful British!

    1. Thanks Jonathan. The weather is pretty awfiul he today - wind and heavy rain, but nowhere near the ferocity of Tuesday night where the winds at the harbour heads peaked at 115 knots.

  2. Wonderful painting on the 13th...soon in Egypt for an AAR?

    1. Thank you Phil. I am planning the first game with these collection once the Bfitish infantry are brought up to strength - probably around the end of May.

  3. A welcome addition to your force Mark. Coincidentally i also have the 13 regiment a decade later in the war of 1812 collection

    1. Yes welcome indeed. Just finished the first regiment of light dragoons, mounted and dismounted, tonight. Will get them based tomorrow.

  4. Another great looking unit,I really like their colours too.
    Best Iain

  5. Great work on these. There is nothing more frustrating than when the electricity goes out, halting the production line.

    1. We were batter off than some: we lost it for 13 hours on Tuesday night and then about three hours on Friday night. Some parts in the far west were still off on Saturday and may still be today. There were a lot of trees down.

  6. Hi! I'm currently working through Craddocks Brigade myself. Being from Somerset I have a particular fondness for the 13th, however I've had little to no luck identifying what their flag would have looked like during 1801, and even worse luck trying to find a 28mm version of it!
    Wondering if you had any tips? Thank you!
