
Thursday 1 March 2018

Project Planning

With two months of the year gone I figured it was time to sit down and plan my projects for the year. It allows me to budget appropriately and that budgeting is crucial this year because her indoors has many plans that could scuttle my purchases if I don’t secure the funds.


The plan has six projects (although three are more correctly subsets of a bigger project) for completion by the end of the year.


That bigger project is the Napoleonic Egyptian Campaign and will involve: 

  • British in Egypt
  • French in Egypt expansion
  • Ottoman Turks

The three other projects are:

  • Napoleonic French 1812 – while a sizable part of this project is already under the belt, probably two-thirds is yet to be completed
  • Spanish Napoleonic – this is not intended as a very big project and will be divided into two phases that will be defined by the way in which the Perrys develop the range
  • Swedish Napoleonic – again this is not intended as a big project, but may lead to the creation of a small Russian opposition force.

Of course the use of the phrase  “…not intended as a big project…” so freely above should always be read with some scepticism in my projects.


  1. “...not intended as a very big project...” would make a fitting title for a Wargamer’s Anonymous self-help book! My unpainted Spanish Napoleonics fit into that category too.
    Very funny, Mark!

    1. Touché Jonathan. Having just completed my project management refresher, I could have used the phrase and some examples to highlight the dangers of scope creep...but then again probably not...some people at work already look at me strangely and if I start talking about how I added another demi-brigade and a battery just to round out the division, I think I might be referred to the medical section.

  2. 'not intended..' slipperyslope. Says the man who just ordered 108 Swedes from the Perry's website.

    1. Yes there is always that "need" for another couple of battalions just to balance things, isn't there?

      I am actually looking forward to the Swedes and it will be a small project because the armies were small...of course some 1807 Russians would be useful...must write to the Perrys.

  3. Project Management.....

    All the best. Aly

    1. I know...I know, but if I don't plan this out her indoors will find a "use" for my toys fund. But have no fear I am sure there will be something come to market at some point to trigger the butterfly effect. Afterall the French in Egypt project was just a casual thought until my inner butterfly spied that eye candy that was the dromedary troops!

  4. I love a good spreadsheet! 😀
    I too am something of a planner when it comes to hobby purchases.

    1. The truth is it is probably more "guidance" than a plan.

  5. I am keeping an eye on the Perry Swedes and would love to do a small 1813 contingent under Bernadotte. Hopefully they aren't far away.

    1. My goal is the Finnish War, but I must admit 1813 is equally tempting...damn there goes that scope creep again... For all the Swedes I recommend the book "Army of the Kingdom of Sweden 1802-1814", by WJ Rawkins in digital form from the History Book Man for the princley sum of £3.00

    2. I have a copy of that, and worth every penny. I really must invest in a few more of his as they are great resources.

    3. I am waiting for the Spanish book to be re-released for my upcoming Spanish project.
