
Sunday 18 February 2018

A Bit of Variety

have painted a lot of Napoleonic figures lately what with the Prussian cavalry in October, the War of 1812 (which I guess is vaguely Napoleonic), the French in Egypt and the 1812 French. So to break the Napoleonic monotony I have decided to revisit the Crimean War British army and add the Heavy Brigade.

Now I am not good at going back to older projects - the aforementioned Prussian cavalry being a case in point…there was a gap of nearly ten years between when I "finished" that army then went back to complete the cavalry arm – but these Crimean cavalry are a bit of an exception. First of all it has only been a couple of years since I finished the Crimean armies and second the Great War Miniatures Heavy Brigade figures were not released at the time I was collecting the armies. Now I could have bought the Foundry Heavy Brigade figures and finished the army back then, but 85% of the army is Great War and I wanted to maintain consistency.


The Heavy Brigade figures were released either late 2016 or early 2017, but the need to finish off other projects meant that they were pushed back in the schedule until last November. Then the French in Egypt came along and they were displaced until late December, then there was not until 6 January did I place the order.


Never let it be said that I don’t learn from the past. The Great War figures are supplied by Northstar and I have had bad experiences with Northstar – they take the money up front, then take excessivly long times to ship orders, don't communicate about delays, have no published volume discount offers, don't offer free shipping at a certain level, and they don't remove the VAT – so, as I did with much of the main Crimean War orders, I placed this order through a third party who only charges me when the goods are shipped and doesn’t charge shipping. That said, my lesson here has been that whenever purchasing Northstar products, even through third parties, is to factor the delay into my schedule - when I ordered my Crimean armies a couple of years ago I gave the supplier a firm order six weeks so that some sort if schedule could be managed. As anticipated the goods have taken a month to be supplied to the third party and then only half the order was supplied with the balance on back order (and I am not talking about a big order, just 30 mounted figures).

Then last Saturday, before the first part of the order had arrived, I get an email from the third party supplier telling me that Northstar has advised that they had "lost the mould" for the missing items and that they won't be available for some time! What a disappointment after having delayed the project for so long.


Last Tuesday the figures arrived.  The first unit I worked on is the Scots Greys. It is a small unit, just six figures, because all the British cavalry units in the Crimea were small. Only two squadrons of each regiment were sent to the Crimea and both men and horses suffered dreadfully in the campaign. By Balaclava in October 1854 the brigade, all ten squadrons, numbered less than 900. In the winter that followed nearly all the horses of the cavalry division perished and the regiments served dismounted


The second unit is the 6th Dragoons (Inniskillings) - the only other one I can complete with what has been supplied (there is a single pack of the Dragoon Guards troopers, without any command). 

I am not sure at this point where the project will go from here. At first I was not certain if I would even bother with the rest of the heavies, but I have enjoyed these two units. I might wait for a month or two and see if the figures get re-moulded, or I may try a different manufacturer.

The experience has also caused me to abandon a long considered Danish Army of 1864 - the last army of the German Wars of Unification outside my collection - for which Northstar are the sole manufacturer of figures.

I am, however, very excited to see that the Perrys have now released the first batch of Napoleonic Swedes, but I must not deviate from the plan.


  1. Cavalry look terrific and I am glad you returned to this project. Too bad about your experience with Northstar. Caliver carries some of the figures and ships for free.

    1. Thanks Jonathan, although the pictures do not do them justice...I shot them at night with imperfect lighting and with a different camera. Yes I have been using Caliver a lot recently and that no shipping charge is a great advantage for us on the outer edges of the globe where shipping and exhchange rate fluctuations can impact on the cost of toys.

  2. Splendid, love the expressive and wonderful faces Mark, well done!

    1. Thank you Phil. I agree those big beards make an impression.

  3. Great work, and it is a shame about North Star. I have only ever ordered wire spears from them and they arrived in a timely fashion, but they were very small orders. I too find it annoying when VAT is charged and not removed for overseas customers, especially given that it is 20%. The nice thing about buying from Perry, Front Rank and others on the other hand is when you place an order and see the 20% removed at the end, and you end up spending a lot less than you thought you were going to.

    1. And it is an added tax. I think that a number of companies miss out by not using this. In my case I will generally order more and will feel have gained something from the transaction and more likely to come back again.

  4. Lovely looking Heavies Mark...
    I’m sorry to hear that you have had so much trouble getting them.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly. I'll get the rest of the Brigade in time. I wanted to redo the photos today in some natural light, but the weather has turned and we will have rain for the next couple of days.

  5. Well the figures look good anyway...šŸ˜€

    Sorry about your frustrations with the manufacturer. But I do know what it’s like to wait for over a month for figures that you want to paint now! šŸ˜¬

    1. Thanks Stew. It never fails to amuse me that when I first started buying metal figures from the UK, 40 odd years ago, I would could depend on a three week turn around, pretty much to the day - and that was in the days when orders had to be posted and the mail would take a minimum of five days in each direction. Yet today, in this age of instant communication, it can take a month!

  6. Nice looking heavies, haven't ordered direct from northstar myself, guess it shouldn't be such an issue in the UK, they're a decent sized operation you can kind of accept it more with the smaller outfits I feel.
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. I will get the rest of the figures in due course. I had a similar problem when I ordered the Light Brigade and had to pad out with Foundry figures to meet my deadline.
